Austin Ex-MoD K9 Series 2 & 3

K9 With Signals Box At Ribblehead Festival 1988
Q484HCO Austin K9 . Ex-MOD
Seen 29.8.88 Blea Moor . Yorks. A bleak moorland with railway viaduct & magic mushrooms .. Whose rig ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Riley John's K9 Raising More Treworgey Dust ! 1989
HOD164V (1980)reg. Austin K9 . 4x4 . Ex-MOD
Seen 2.8.89 Treworgey Tree Fayre . Liskeard , Cornwall . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ex-Radio Shack At Harvest Fayre . Rougham 1989
FLD395T (1978)reg. Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Shack .
Seen 10.9.89 Green Deserts . Rougham . Suffolk . 1000's were used by the MoD & post WW2 were often converted to recovery units . Whose ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Scouse's K9 At Clyro Court Skool Bus Benefit 1989
Q363JCC Austin K9 . Ex-MOD 4x4 .
Seen 17.9.89 Frodo Baggins Clyro Court . Powys . 'Frodo Baggins' event . Originally bought by Smiler from a N. Wales scrapyard in 1985 with original Army box & petrol engine , which he changed for 3.8L BMC diesel . After Scouse it passed through the hands of Little Tony , who sold it to Colin at Priory Grove site . He took it to France added a luton box bought at the French hippy commune of Coumielle . But later it was stolen at Arganil , Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Roy's K9/3 Winter Solstice , Stonehenge 1989
8913OZ Austin K9 Series 3 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 21.12.89 Wiltshire . A later photo from Glastonbury 1990 shows the transformation he carried out on it . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

RAF Ambulance . Winter Solstice . Stonehenge 1989
WGW858G (1968)rg Austin K9 . EX-MOD (RAF) Ambulance .
Seen 21.12.89 Stonehenge . Wiltshire . Compact 4x4 home . Whose ? . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Alec's K9 on Gopsall Wharf Site 1990
Q398ENR Austin K9 . Ex-MOD.
Seen 28.1.90 Leics. This K9 had been converted into a recovery vehicle & fitted with a Bedford 300 diesel by Joe Toon's Scrapyard in Ibstock , Leics . Whilst in Alec's hands it was rewired by Tat & painted for towing his & Clare's caravan & later in 1990 sold to Kate to tow her ex-clown's Morris bus/caravan around the UK and Europe . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Roy's K9/3 At Glastonbury Festival 1990
8913OZ (1989)rg Austin K9 Series 3 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 19.6.90 Pilton . Somerset . Roy did a good job in transforming this (see photo from 1989 winter solstice gathering at Stonehenge) I can vouch for it's towing capabilities when a passenger in Jezz's Q4 whilst on a rigid bar behind it ! Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Richard & Kay's 'Crew-cabbed' K9 Glastonbury 1990
Q152GDH Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion .
Seen 19.6.90 Pilton . Somerset . Clever use has been made of the original rear panel of the cab to double its seating capacity . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Scabby Chris & Tash's K9 At Glastonbury 1990
TAA299T Austin K9 . Ex-MOD Radio Shack .
Seen 20.6.90 Pilton . Somerset . It still had its MOD box when bought by Tom , who sold it to Rozz , then with Scouse & Marge (as a drop-side) before Chris bought it . Last owner known is Mike . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Rob's K9 At Lwynpiod 1990
HJW819D (1966)reg. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD
Seen 25.9.90 Powys . Wales . Robs K9 had a demountable bender structure on the back and some of Julian's artwork on the cab . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Stewarts K9 At Newbury Site 1991
Q745JBW (1988)reg. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion .
Seen 14.1.91 Berks . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Louise's K9 At Sodbury Common Festival 1991
Q348GVC RFO328 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 27.5.91 Avon . The garage who'd originally converted it had added a row of spots to the rear of the cabin . Louise sold it to Chinky , who passed it onto Andy (Skippy) in Cornwall , who put a Bedford 330 into it before selling to Mark . He replaced the crane with an aluminium ballast tray to tow his Vickers & changed the reg to RFO328 . Then it went to Scottish Sandy who put an ex-BT box onto it , selling to Hannah Blim , who took it to Germany & sold it to Rancid Pete when she'd returned to the UK . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Kate & Julian Leaving Stockbridge Down 1991
Q398ENR Austin K9 & (1937) Morris CVS 13/5 Silverdale Motorbodies . Birmingham .
Seen 18.6.91 Hants . An early morning eviction saw everyone pull off and head to Rats Run for the Solstice Festival . Kate later took her rig around southern Europe & then left the bus (originally used by a Clown) in a field . Rescued in 2007 by a collector , who intends to find a replacement engine & front axle to replace the original cut off after the bus was flooded by the incoming tide on a Brighton beach ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

K9 Signals Box At Llanbister Common Festival 1991
Q137REU Austin K9 . Ex-MOD Radio Shack .
Seen 3.8.91 Powys . Wales . Bought as a non-runner from Hippy Mark's land at Abson by Jason , it came without a distributor in the engine so he fitted one from a 3 litre princess ! Before Llanbsiter he'd sold to a resident of the Kingsfield site (who might have been the Blunderbus owner ?) . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jay's K9 At Clifton Hall Site 1992
Q257JWX OVS488 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 2.3.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs . Jay later transformed this with parts from another K9 and the engine from an FG , then re-registered it as part of his 'Relic Restoration' business . Now with a collector & painted burgundy . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jay's K9 For Spares At Clifton Hall Site 1992
reg ? . Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 10.3.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs. Jay bought this ex-recovery conversion to use some parts for his blue K9 recovery rig , for which he also took the diesel engine from an FG . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Jay's K9 At Charity Farm Site 1992
Q257JWX Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 27.4.92 Breedon . Leics. Jay had just finished adding parts from another K9 & a diesel engine from an FG . Later registered as OVS488 & painted for his 'Relic Restoration' business . Now with a collector & painted burgundy . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Demo's K9 At Baddesley Common Site 1992
XSK381 (1952) Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 20.9.92 Warcs. Previously owned by Doug . After Demo it passed through the hands of Donny , Mickey , Rob & Chal & by 2010 was with a collector as a chassis cab painted army green . Photo = Dave Fawcett

K9 At Ladywell Road Site . Birmingham 1992
Q914UWP Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion .
Seen 30.9.92 Birmingham . This was an 'urban site' at its best .. a few rigs crammed into a space between the back yards of inner city houses .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Demo's K9 At Kelham Bridge Farm Site 1993
XSK381 (1952) Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 6.5.93 Ibstock . Leics. Demo & Jane had pulled back onto this site we'd been evicted from the year before . Previously owned by Doug , after Demo it passed through the hands of Donny , Mickey , Rob & Chal . By 2010 it was a chassis cab painted army green . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Matt's K9 At The AEC Rally . Wollaton Park 1993
LAY516P (1975)reg. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 30.5.93 Nottingham . Matt bought this from Lucy at the Redhouse site , Parwich in 1991 . He later sold in 1994 to a couple planning on travelling to Morocco ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

K9 & Swingboats At Strawberry Fayre 1993
reg ?. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 5.6.93 Cambridge . A Traveller's home or just for transporting the swing boats ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Demo's K9 In A Nottingham Street 1993
XSK381 (1952) Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 21.6.93 Nottingham . Demo had added this box to his K9 , but it was too small for living in ! Previously owned by Doug , after Demo it passed through the hands of Donny , Mickey , Rob & Chal . By 2010 it was a chassis cab painted army green . Photo = Dave Fawcett

K9 Signals Unit At Strawberry Fayre 2004
YSK337 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD Signals Unit .
Seen 4.6.04 Cambridge . By 2014 it was a flat-bed in army green with a collector . Photo = Richard Haughey .

K9 At Lechlade 1992
AJV832W (1980)reg. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion
Seen 1992 Lechlade . It had been Mark's at one stage & towed his self-built Reading style wagon , but don't know who else owned it ? . Photo = Sue Collins .

Simon's K9
.HM437F (1968)reg. Austin K9 . 4x4 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Photo = Alix Miller .

Multimetre Mike's K9 At Lechlade Site 1992
reg? . Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1992 . Lechlade . Mike swapped it for his bus with Jim . Photo = Sue Collins .

Nick Hague's K9 In Devon 2004
UXG209 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD
Seen 2004 Devon . Now with another owner . Photo = Nick Hague .

K9 Shortened by Carl
Q249GCN ?. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD
Seen ? . Carl shortened this chassis for a non-traveller who was impressed with the job he'd done on his RL . Photo = Liz Watkins .

Dave the Rave & Dave The Viking & Austin K9
Austin K9
Seen ? . Photo = Stuart Macrae .

Joe Under His K9 Bonnet At Belfort Festival 1995
MFF418 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 9.7.95 Belfort Festival (90) Belfort . France . Joe & his mates came over with loads of dried beans etc to do a Curry Café , but it was too 'exotic' for French taste ! His K9 had been previously owned by Nathan in the UK & Joe had managed to 'shoe-horn' a Bedford 500 into its engine compartment , which apparently necessitated lifting the engine to change the air filter .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Colin's K9 At Foire Extraordinaire Festival . 1995
Q363JCC Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 28.10.95 Arvigna (09) Ariege . France . Originally bought from a N. Wales scrapyard by 'Smiler' in 1985 , who re-welded its roof after putting a 3.8L BMC.FG engine in it . By 1989 it was with Scouse (Wango Riley) without its MoD box & painted red & black . Then with Little Tony who sold it to Colin at Priory Grove site , he took it to France & bought the 'Circus' box at the Coumielle commune , but was then stolen from him at Arganil in Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Andy (Skippy) K9 Wheal Busy Site . Cornwall 1994
Q348GVC RFO328 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1994 Wheal Busy . Cornwall . Recognisable by the row of spot lights added by the garage who'd converted it behind the cabin . Previously owned by Louise, then Chinky , to Andy (Skippy) who squeezed a Bedford 330 into it & finally Mark . He changed the registration to RFO328 , removed the crane & fitted an aluminium ballast tray instead to tow his Vickers . He sold it to Scottish Sandy who put an ex BT box onto it & then took it to Germany . Photo = Sarah Wynne .

K9 on Rubbish Rounds at Glastonbury
HJW819D (1966)reg. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? . Glastonbury Festival . Pilton . Somerset . Had been Rob's at one time & carries Julian's celtic paintjob . Photo = Graeme Gopher .

Dan's K9
reg ? Austin K9 . Ex-MOD
Seen ? . Photo = Dan Wilson .

Green K9 With Military Box
GWJ188V (1979)reg. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? . Whose ? This later lost its military box to become a flat-bed by 1992 . Photo = Gary Conway .

Chris & Tasha's K9 In Oxford 1991
BSV643 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1991 Oxford . Photo = Scabby Chris .

K9 Being Restored
reg ? Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Photo = Rags .

Chal's 'Chariot' Sided K9 At Wheal Busy 1996
XSK381 (1952) Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1996 Cornwall . It's first known Traveller owner had been Doug , then Demo , Donny , Mickey(who'd built the chariot sides) & Rob prior to Chal , who added a luton box . By 2010 it survived as a chassis cab painted army green . Photo Jez .

Chal's K9 & Luton Box At Dolly's Dump Site 1997
XSK381 (1952) Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1997 . Cornwall . Chal was parked here for the daffodil picking . First known Traveller owner of the K9 had been Doug , followed by Demo , Donny , Mickey (gave it chariot sides) & Rob prior to Chal (who built this box) . By 2010 it was a chassis cab painted army green with a collector . Photo = Jez .

K9 Signals Unit at Forset Fayre
Austin K9 . Ex-MOD Signals Unit .
Seen ? . Forest Fayre . Photo = Zippy .

Paddy's K9 Recovery Truck Conversion . Oxon 1990..
Q401FDD Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1990's Oxon . Photo = Rags .

Mickey's K9
reg ? Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Photo = Syd .

K9 Tow Truck In 1995
..308 Austin K9 Recovery Truck .
Seen 1995 . A decade before it had a rear tipping body as well as the crane . Photo = Gary Conway .

Austin K9
..308 Austin K9 .
Seen .. In 1985 this had been fitted with possibly a tipping body & then a recovery crane , by 1995 only the crane was still fitted to its chassis , here it looks ready for scrap ! Photo = Gary Conway .

Dougie's Painted K9 At Pilton 2008
LSU168 . Austin K9 . Ex-UK Army .
Seen 2008 Glastonbury . Photo = Gary Conway .

K9 Carcass At Lwynpiod . 2010
Austin K9 . Ex-UK MoD .
Seen 2010 Powys . Wales . Still sat in the same place & same condition as when I saw it there in 1990 ! Photo = Gary Conway .

Green & Tarped K9 At Glastonbury Festival 2010
SSY517 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 6.10 Glastonbury Festival . Pilton . Somerset . Used as a swingboat ride transporter ? . Photo = Jen .

Dave's Austin K9 . Hackney Bus Garage 1983
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen c1983/4 Hackney . London . Photo = Haze Evans .

Rob's Chariot Sided K9 Glastonbury Festival 1989
HJW819D (1966)reg. Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 6.89 Pilton . Somerset . Photo = Jen .

Mally's Desert K9 .
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 2010 . Apparently used as a desert toy by a previous owner ? . But now Mally needs to find a new cab for his rig . Photo = Mally

Paddy's K9 On Newent Site
Q401FDO Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Newent . Photo = Dan .

Marge's K9 Being Towed By Dumper Truck
Q368JOG Austin K9 . Ex-MOD Signals Unit .
Seen ? . Photo = Mike Morgan .

K9 In Portugal
Q398ENR Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? whose ? photo = Karen .

Robin's Purple & Green K9 At Bristol Docks 1989
Q840JBW Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1989 Bristol . photo = Robin .

K9 Parked Up
NFF526 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Whose ? photo = Gary Conway .

Jay's Green & White K9 At A Glastonbury Festival
OVS488 Q257JWX Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion .
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . Rebuilt using parts from another ex-MoD K9 diesel engine from an FG . Seen here in his 'Relic Restoration' Co. livery . Now with a collector & painted burgundy . photo = Gary Conway .

K9 & Trailer
KFF461 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? whose ? photo = via Gary Conway .

Alan's Early Morning K9 at Stonehenge Gathering
NEP893 ... Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Stonehenge . Alan was rigid towing the K9 with his RL en-route to Dorset before selling it . Its reg was shared with a tractor ! . photo = Gary Conway .

Camouflaged K9 Signals Unit 2004
YSK337 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD Signals Unit .
Seen 2004 . Whose ? By 2014 it was owned by a collector in army green as a flat-bed . Photo = Matt .

Ditched K9 Radio Shack . 2005
YSK337 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD Signals Unit .
Seen 2005 . One situation its 4x4 capacity needs assistance ! By 2014 it was a preserved as an army flat-bed . Photo = Matt .

Cal's K9 In UK Snow
UYJ528 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? This had once belonged to Roy , but David bought it from Nick as a chassis cab from near Beryl's place in Wales . Then fitted a P6 , the flat-bed of Chris P's Moggy & a Harvey Frost Crane & painted it green , then sold it to Cal in 1996 before going to India . Photo = Cal .

Pugh's K9 At Abergele
JSK709 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Abergele . Previously owned by Darren & Ruth . Photo = Cal .

Tania's Black K9
SFF125 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ?

Jo's Multicoloured K9 & Hiab
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Dave Price reckons this is his old K9 chassis with Roy Gurvitz's K11 cab & hi-ab ?? Photo = Annie .

Lutoned K9 In Black & White
Q484HCP Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? whose ?

Stevie & Tash's K9 at Lissadell . Ireland
Q252XSC Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1992 Ireland . With Denzil's car . photo = Jaine .

Giffer Jo (rip) K9 Ambulance
XYJ144 (1946) Austin K9 . Ex-PDSA Ambulance .
Seen ? By 2008 it was owned by a collector . photo = Paddy Reed .

K9 That Was On Greedbay
YSK337 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD Radio Shack .
Seen ? Not sure if it sold ?

Netty's K9 At Tesco's , Salisbury 1987
Q749AVO Austin K9 . Ex-MOD
Seen 1987 Salisbury . Netty was towing Dave's bus off this site , the 1st to be Public Ordered under the new law , later winning the Tesco Twelve court case ..Photo = Netty

Mark's K9 With Ballast Tray
Q368GVC RFO328 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD
Seen ? Originally owned by Louise & bought from a garage as a recovery vehicle , sold to Chinky , then to Andy(Skippy) , who'd put a Bedford 330 into it . Then to Mark , who replaced the crane with a ballast tray to tow his Vickers with & got it an age related reg. before selling it to Scottish Sandy , who put an ex-BT box onto it . He then sold it to Hannah Blim , who took it to Germany & sold it onto Rancid Pete when she'd returned to the UK . Photo = Mark .

Leyland Engined K9
ORP56Y (1956) Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Now for sale on the Isle of Skye . Fitted with a Leyland 4/98 . Photo = Nik .

Dan's K9 At Nostock Festival 2012
523YUF Austin K9 . Ex-MOD
Seen 2012 Nostock Festival . Unfortunately The K9 , which had only just had an engine change was written off in an accident after the festival . Photo = Arran .

Jess's K9 At Big Green Gathering 2003
USL323 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 2003 BGG . Jess later sold her truck to a West Country Traveller , by 2014 it'd ended up with a collector John Ball who restored it to MoD GS spec. Photo = Gary Conway .

Robin's Red K9 & Safari
CSJ525 Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Photo = Gary Conway .

K9 In Building Site
TVS458 (1950)s Austin K9 . Ex-MOD
Seen ? Whose . Multi-fuel version ? . Photo = Gary Conway .

K9 Flat-bed Arriving On Site 1992
GWJ188V Austin K9 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1992 Devon . An earlier photo shows this K9 still with its box .. whose ? Photo = ITV Doc.

Smiler & His K9 In Portland 1986
Q363JCC Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1986 Portland . Clive -'Smiler' bought it from a N. Wales scrapyard in 1985 & replaced the original petrol engine (only 400 miles on the clock) with a 3.8L BMC.FG diesel & re-welded the roof . Later used by Scouse of Wango Riley & painted red & black , passing to Little Tony , & then Colin at Priory Grove site . He took it to France & fitted a Luton box from the Coumielle commune . Later stolen at Arganil , Portugal . photo = Clive Miller Buxton .

K9 & MC Etc On Crowlas Middle Site 1990's
XSO752 ? Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1990's Crowlas . Cookie's Morris Commercial & Kate's K9 . Photo = Leanne

Hippy Tom Bogged Down On Wellow Common 1986
TAA299T Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Shack .
Seen 1986 Hants. Tom had sunk whilst driving over a hidden stream & tow truck had little effect on extricating him from it ! Later used as a drop-side truck by Rozz , Scouse & Marge , Scabby Chris & Tash & finally (?) Mike . Photo = Peter Gardner

Hippy Tom Bogged Down On Wellow Common 1986
TAA299T Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Shack .
Seen 1986 Wellow Common . Needing help after sinking into an underground stream . It was later owned by Rozz , then Scouse & Marge as a drop-side & then Scabby Chris & Tash & finally (?) Mike . photo = Peter Gardner .

Scouse & Marge's K9
TAA299T Austin K9 . Ex-Mod Radio Shack
Seen ? It still had its original steel box when owned by Hippy Tom , who'd sold it to Rozzie , before it became a drop-side with Scouse & Marge . Later used by Scabby Chris & Tash & finally (?) Mike .

Roy's K9/3 In Primer
8913OZ Austin K9 Series 3 . Ex-MoD
Seen 1990 Bought as a recovery vehicle from a garage . Photo = Gary Conway .

Spiral Tribe's K9 At Castlemorton Festival 1992
WFX350 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1992 Worcs. Photo = Niall .

Ian's K9 . 2013
PPR134W Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2013 . By 2018 it was with Craig in Dorset . Photo = Ian .

Richard's K9 At Castlemorton Festival 1992
TSU758 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Shack .
Seen 1992 Worcs. Also Adam's Atlantean Decker in view . Photo = Niall .

Sam's K9 On Site
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Photo = Percy .

K9 With Doors ..Open
BSK149 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Photo = Claudia

K9 With T&G Rear
BSK147 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? whose ? photo = Claudia

Rear Of Louise's K9 Tow Truck . Cornwall 1992-3
Q348GVC RFO328 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1992/3 Cornwall . She sold it to Chinky , then owned by Andy(Skippy) in Cornwall , who fitted a Bedford 330 . Then he sold it to Mark who replaced the crane with an aluminium ballast tray to tow his Vickers & the reg to RFO328 . Then Scottish Sandy used it with an ex-BT box , selling to Hannah Blim , who took it to Germany , selling to Rancid Pete when she'd returned . Photo = Davinia

Nathan's K9 . St Agnes Eclipse Party 1995
JSV536 (1954) Austin K9 . FV1600/1 Ex-MoD .
Seen 1995 Cornwall . At one time owned by Allan . The box on the back had been cut down . Photo = Vintage Commercial Vehicle Mag.

K9 In Desert Camouflage . 2014
PSU393 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD.
Seen 2014 . Photo = Neil .

Desert K9 With Stained Glass Window . 2014
PSU393 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2014 . Photo = Neil .

Nick's Burgundy & Black K9 At Glastonbury 2014
523YUF Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2014 Pilton . Somerset . This reg. was also used on a K9 that was owned by Dan & written off in 2012 ... Bought by Alec & Clare in 2015 . Photo = Gary Conway .

Crispin's Red & Cream K9 . Harlequin Festival 2014
YCH71Y (1954) Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Unit .
Seen 2014 Norfolk . Used as part of his festival catering business . Photo = David Jackson .

John's K9 Being Restored To Military Spec. 2014
USL323 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2014 After being lived in by Jess & other Travellers , this K9 is now with a collector whose looking for an original GS style canvas covered rear unit to put on it . Photo = John Ball .

K9 Cut Up On Heckfield Site
Q71JSW Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Reading . Looks to have been reused as a garage recovery vehicle ? Photo = Niall .

Mino's Old K9
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-Rex Recovery / MoD .
Seen ? photo = Mino

K9 Broken Down at Glastonbury Festival 2014
SSY517 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2014 Pilton . Somerset . Just before it was towed away by another Traveller's RL ! Photo = Gary Conway .

Alan's K9 & Trailer At Castelmorton 1992
JSV536 (1954) Austin K9 . FV1600/1 Ex-MoD .
Seen 1992 Worcs. Alan sold it to the Parwich Punks at this festival . By 1995 it was owned by Nathan in Cornwall . Photo = ?

K9 With BT Box
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ?

Change Of Ownership For K9 . 2015
523YUF Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2015 . Alec taking over from Nick ! . photo = Clare

Nick & Tamsin's K9 Leaving Glastonbury 2014
523YUF Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2014 . Sold to Alec in 2015 . Photo = Tamsin

Scabby Chris & Tash Arriving At Rats Run 1991
TAA299T Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Shack .
Seen 1991 Longstock . Hants. Its' first owner Hippy Tom bought it with MOD radio shack box , then used by Rozzie , followed by Scouse & Marge (when it was a drop-side) before Chris & Tash . Final owner known is Mike . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Nathan , K9 & Trailer
JSV536 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Previously with Allan . Photo = Paddy

Nathan's K9
JSV536 Austin K9 .
Seen ? Previously owned by Allan . Photo = Paddy

Yellow K9 Weighing In A Bedford Bus
Q9.... Austin K9 . Ex-MoD . & Harvey Frost Crane .
Seen ? Photo = Matt

Purple K9 With A Blue Luton Box !
..379 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Photo = Keppy

Joanna's K9
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Looks to be on siphon feed ? Photo = Joanna

John's K9 Restored Back To Military Spec. 2016
USL323 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2016 Used on the road by Jess , John also takes it to UK festivals , for example Bearded Theory . Photo = John

Polytantric's K9 . Camden Town 1976
SUX212H Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1976 London . Photo = Roger Hutchinson

Matt's K9 . 1990's
LAY561P Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Matt bought this from Lucy at the Redhouse site , Parwich in 1991 . He later sold it in 1994 to a couple planning on travelling to Morocco ! Photo = Matt

Matt's K9 & Caravan 1990's
LAY561P Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Matt bought this from Lucy at the Redhouse site , Parwich in 1991 . He later sold it in 1994 to a couple planning on travelling to Morocco ! Photo = Matt

Matt's K9 When Painted Green
LAY561P Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Matt bought this from Lucy at the Redhouse site , Parwich in 1991 . He later sold it in 1994 to a couple planning on travelling to Morocco ! Photo = Matt

K9 Chris & His Multicolour K9
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Photo = Amanda

Jeremy & His K9 . 1991
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1991 , photo = Lora

Dan's 'New' K9 . 2015
PSU393 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Shack .
Seen 2015 A previous owner had 'stretched' the original shack to gain more space . Photo = Dan

Dan's K9 With Camouflage Paint Job 2016
PSU393 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Shack .
Seen 2016 photo = Dan

Dill & His K9 & Bender Tat
reg? Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen c1992 photo = Jaine

Ray & Laura's K9 . 1990's
Q283YAW Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Fitted with an FG diesel engine . Photo = Jaine

David's K9 Towing One Andy's Q4's
UYJ528 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? This K9 had previously been owned by Andy , Roy , then Nick who sold it in Wales to David as a chassis cab . He fitted a P6 & Harvey Frost crane & sold it to Cal in 1996 . Here it's just finished towing RYX46 (Ex-AFS Q4) from Bristol to Wales . Photo = Andy

Mike's K9 Drop-side / Bender Rig
TAA299T Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Radio Shack .
Seen ? Bought with its radio box in place by Hippy Tom c1986 , then used by Rozz , Scouse & Marge (as a drop-side) , Scabby Chris & Tash & then Mike . photo = Giles

Riley's K9 At Treworgey Festival 1989
HOD164V (1950)s Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1989 Cornwall . I think this was the later 'mulri-fuel' version ? Photo = Dean

Ex-Traveller's K9 In Yard 2010
XSK381 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2010 . It's first known traveller owner had been Doug , then Demo , Donny , Mickey & Rob & finally Chal . Photo = Mark Griffith

Chal's K9 Out To Grass
XSK381 (1952) Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1998-? . First known Traveller owner had been Doug , then Demo , Donny , Mickey & Rob prior to Chal . By 2010 it was a chassis cab painted army green . photo = Gary Convoy

Jay's 'Relic Restoration Co' K9 In Action
OVS488 Q257JWX Austin K9 Ex-MoD . Austin K2 Van .
Seen ? Jay's K9 towing an Austin K2 Van . Now with a collector & painted burgundy . Photo = Jay

Chris & Tash's Artovorder K9 Winchester 1993
BSV643 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Signals Unit .
Seen 1993 Winchester . Photo = Scabby Chris

Roy's Colourfull K9 . c1998
WSY142 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Roy sold it in 1999 to buy a bus . Photo = Roy

Craig's K9 Chassis-Cab . Dorset 2018
PPR134W Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2018 Dorset . In 2013 this had been owned by Ian & fitted with a modern luton box . Photo = Trasi

Paddy's K9 Recovery Truck Conversion . Oxon 1990..
Q401FDD Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1990's Oxon . Photo = Dana-Zena

Tarped K9 At Glastonbury Festival 2000+
SSY517 Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen .. Pilton . Somerset . Now repainted in green . Photo = Gary Conway

K9 Flatbed & Mini
GWJ.... Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
photo = Gillian

Crispin's Red & Cream K9 & Trailer 2018
YCH71Y (1954) Austin K9 . Ex-MoD Signals Unit .
Seen 2018 Crispin uses it as part of his festival catering business . Photo = Crispin

Craig's K9 With Living Box . Dorset 2018
PPR134W Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2018 Dorset . Previously owned by Ian . Photo = Trasi

Jay's K9 Cab In Primer & Pilot Trailer
OVS488 Q257JWX Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion .
Seen .. Repainted as part of his 'Relic Restoration' business . Now with a collector & painted burgundy . Photo = Jay

Jay's K9 & Pilot Trailer
OVS488 Q257JWX Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion .
Seen .. Now with a collector & painted burgundy . Photo = Jay

Jay's 'Relic Restoration Co' K9
OVS488 Q257JWX Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion .
Seen .. Now with a collector & painted burgundy . Photo = Jay

Jay's Old K9 With A Collector
OVS488 Q257JWX Austin K9 . Ex-MOD . Recovery Conversion .
Seen .. Jay had used it as part of his 'Relic Restoration' business . Photo = Jay

K9 At Inglestone Common Festival 1980
reg .. Austin K9 .
Seen 1980 Avon . Photo = Darren

K9 Tow Truck At Long Marston 1985
..308 Austin K9 Tow Truck .
Seen 1985 Long Marston . It looks like this has a tipper body with a recovery crane , later photos show just the crane . Rigs preparing to drive to Savernake .Photo = Tash

Rob's K9 At Glastonbury Festival 1989
HJW819D Austin K9 . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1989 Pilton . Somerset . Photo = Matthew

Rob's K9 At Glastonbury Festival 1989
HJW819D Austin K9 . Ex-Mod .
Seen 1989 Pilton . Somerset . Photo = Matthew