Family - The Blokes

Adam & Space Van In Wales 1984
Weekend Outing From Leicester To Norwich To Hay Bluff .
Seen 7.7.84 Mid-Wales . Adam took a van load of us to a non-Norwich festival , so we drove to Hay on Wye overnight instead . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bob Juggling Spuds At Green Desert Tree Tayre 1985
Bob The Beard & 3 King Edwards .
Seen 8.9.85 Rougham . Suffok . Bob was based in Cambridge . The festival was for raising funds for the Green Deserts Charity . Photo = Dave Fawcett

The End Of Portmeadow Festival 1986
Weekend Of Strong Winds & Horizontal Rain .
Seen 5.5.86 Portmeadow . Oxford . Monday morning feeling .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Did Juggling Saucepans At Hanging Langford 1986
Another Who Juggle Virtually Anything .
Seen 20.6.76 Hanging Langford . Hants. There was lots of spare time on this site during the wait to try & walk to Stonehenge . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Brig Oubridge & Hilary . Hanging Langford 1986
Some Of Our Negotiators At Hanging Langford .
Seen 20.6.86 Hanging Langford . Hants . Despite the efforts of Brigg , Hilary & others we walked into a police trap 3 miles from the site . Photo = Dave Fawcett

When We Were Young ... Leicester 1987
'Hippy Dave' !
Seen 15.4.87 + 2.5kg of Colombian weed . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Nick & Dell At Marden Cowbag 1987
1987 Stonehenge Walkers Stop Off .
Seen 13.6.87 Marden Cowbag . nr.Devizes . After outwitting the 'romans' who thought we were just having a 'lunch break' this site was used for 2/3 days to wait for other folks to arrive ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Stonehenge Walkers At Urchfont Hill 1987
..Pixie , Paddy , .., Pogel ,.., $lob ..
Seen 13.6.87 Urchfont Hil . Devizes . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Trev Juggling 'Devil Sticks' Marden Cowbag 1987
1987 Stonehenge Walkers Spot .
Seen 13.6.87 Marden Cowbag . nr.Devizes . We succeeded in finally getting a few hours access to the stones on Solstice morning . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Will 'Fire-Pole' Spinning At Marden Cowbag 1987
Nighttime Entertainment For 1987 Stonehenge Walkers .
Seen 13.6.87 Marden Cowbag . nr.Devizes . We'd stopped here for a few days after bluffing the 'romans' . Will later went to Ireland to live in a bender & now has a daughter . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Merlin At Devil's Ditch , Stonehenge Walk 1987
Final Site For 1987 Stonehenge Walk .
Seen 20.6.87 Devil's Ditch . Wilts. This was a large site in the woods from which we set out at night to walk to the Stones to await the Solstice dawn , when we were allowed entry after the Druids had left . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Getafix & Sid Rawls (rip) Stonehenge 1987
Result For The Stonehenge Walkers .
Seen 21.6.87 Stonehenge . Wilts. Some folks liked to dress-up for their 'invited' ticket visit for the Solstice . We'd just walked for 10 days in normal site rags . Photo = Dave Fawcett

George Firsoff (rip) Stonehenge Solstice 1987
George (Robin's Greenwood Gang) Blessed Saplings In The Stones .
Seen 21.6.87 Stonehenge . Wilts. George and Paul , another 'gang' member were regular festival & stonehenge visitors . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Sid (rip) Telling Tales . Stonehenge Solstice 1987
After The Chillums , A History Lesson .
Seen 21.6.87 Stonehenge . Wilts. Sid Rawls explained some of the social history concerning traveller culture and Stonehenge ... RIP 8.2010 . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Me = Knackered Hippy ! Post Summer Solstice 1987
Weeks Of Walking Took Their Toll .
Seen 21.6.87 Rollston Manor . Shrewton . George kindly gave the Stonehenge Walkers a refuge when Wiltshire plod started to get heavy once the solstice was over and the press had departed .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jon Harrison . Spring Equinox . Stonehenge 1988
Jon Didn't Need Wellies !
Seen 20.3.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Will Enjoying An Apple Pipe . Spring Equinox 1988
Celebrating Another Grey Dawn In The Stones .
Seen 20.3.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

John 'Le Heretic' At Trecastle Festival 1988
Welshman At A Welsh Festival & Pyramid Stage .
Seen 24.7.88 Trecastle . Powys . This festival suffered from typical Welsh weather = brief sunny spells amidst horizontal rain and ground level cloud . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ewan Leaving Ribblehead Mushroom Festival 1988
Superb Quiet Festival in 1987 , But 1988 Was Spoiled By The Brew Crew .
Seen 29.8.88 Blea Moor . Ribblehead . Yorks . After being reluctant to leave in 1987 Ewan & myself were glad to leave before the end in 1988 . Photo = Dave Fawcett

'Earth Spoon' At Stonehenge Autumn Equinox 1988
Well Known Eccentric .
Seen 22.9.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. He was even weirder after his Datura experience in Cornwall . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chilly Phil & Djambe . Stonehenge Equinox 1988
Phil Accompanying Other Dawn Drummers .
Seen 22.9.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Myself . Autumn Equinox . Stonehenge 1988
Post Chillum Smile .
Seen 22.9.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Paul & Holly Sapling At The Winter Solstice 1988
Paul & Robin's Greenwood Gang Sapling Blessing .
Seen 21.12.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Alex Busking For Festival Eye . Winter Solstice 88
Alex Rosenburger = Festival Eye Editor .
Seen 21.12.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Graham At Stonehenge Winter Solstice 1988
Graham In Morning Greyness .
Seen 21.12.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. So much for a sunrise .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Your'e Welcome To Stonehenge ? .. We Weren't 1988
Simon & Ecky(rip) & English Heretics' 'Welcome' .
Seen 21.12.88 Stonehenge . Wilts. Paying tourists are welcome , but we were 'tolerated' for a few hours !! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Fox & His Jacket At Stonehenge Spring Equinox 1998
Fox Among The Equinox Crowd .
Seen 20.3.89 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jim Blim At Stonehenge Spring Equinox 1989
Jim Lived On The Road With Vicky .
Seen 20.3.89 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Roll-up Windbreak . Stonehenge Spring Equinox 1989
Practical Way To Roll A Fag In The Wind !
Seen 20.3.89 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Wesley At Hilary & David's Bournmouth House 1989
Chatting In The Kitchen .
Seen 24.3.89 Bournmouth . We'd prepare a huge vat of hippy-slop for folks at Stonehenge for the spring equinox . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Fox At Cadbury Camp 1989
Overnight Site Prior Ingleston Common Festival .
Seen 27.5.89 Cadbury Camp . Avon . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Digger At Cadbury Camp 1989
Overnight Site Prior To Inglestone Common .
Seen 27.5.89 Cadbury Camp . Avon . The police had roadblocked the common so everyone dispersed & returned the next day . Photo = Dave Fawcett

'Sheepdog ' Bob . Inglestone Common Festival 1989
Bob With 'Dread-beard' .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common . Avon . photo = Dave Fawcett

Scabby Chris At Inglestone Common Festival 1989
Chris Holding Rags & Jo's Baby A Puppy & Kitten On Their Bus .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common . Avon. Chris later had his own kids . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rags Sipping A Stella At Inglestone Common 1989
Rags Relaxing In His Bedford Bus .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common . Avon . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chris Palmer At Inglestone Common Festival 1989
Chris Thinking 'Omelette' .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common . Avon . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Reg Coin Cutting At Inglestone Festival 1989
Festival Commerce In Action .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common . Avon . I wore one of Reg's coin earrings for years until it got lost when being arrested . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mark & Horse . Inglestone Common Festival 1989
Riding In Front Of Wango Riley's Stage .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common . Avon . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Boysie , John & Tasha At Stephen's Drove 1989
Boysie Balancing His Morning Chappati Mix !!
Seen 31.5.89 nr.Stockbridge . Hants. Stopover site between Inglestone & Andover Festivals . Photo = Dave Fawcett

John & Tasha At Stephen's Drove Site 1989
Breakfast Time For Man & Dog .
Seen 1.6.89 nr.Stockbridge . Hants. Week stopover site between Inglestone Common & Penton Mewsey festivals . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bas 'Painting' Boysie at Stephen's Drove ' 89
Just to prove that Bas could apply his brushes to anything or anyone !!
Seen 9.6.89 Stephen's Drove . nr.Stockbridge . Hants .

Spider Travellers Field Glastonbury Festival 1989
Spider & Tepid Special Brew .
Seen 15.6.89 Pliton . Somerset . The year that Eavis provided us a field just outside his Babylon event . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Paddy & Little Dave . Glastonbury Festival 1989
The Traveller's Field Lacked Shade !
Seen 21.3.89 Pilton . Somerset . Luckily Sid used the pump on his Commer fire engine to hose everyone down later ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

AEC John At the wheel Of His AEC Bus . Exmoor 1989
KUP2013J (1970) AEC Reliance .
Seen 24.6.89 Exmoor . The journey from Glastonbury festival to St. Cleer common for the Treworgey festival with John & Gog . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Earthspoon Silhouetted At Dusk . Bodmin Moor 1989
Sat On A Phallic Carved Stone (Later Christianized) .
Seen 4.7.89 Bodmin Moor . Cornwall . Earthspoon decided he would serenade the sunset with his pan pipes . He later lost them plus everything else he took with him during a 3 day datura trip on the moor , he also lost his sanity .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jeff Building The Pyramid Stage At Treworgey 1989
Early Morning Work Due To Heatwave .
Seen 14.7.89 Treworgey Tree Fayre . Liskeard . Cornwall . Jeff later went on to set up a proper marquee hire business . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chris & The Pyramid Stage At Treworgey 1989
Heatwave Mohecan Hairstyle .
Seen 14.7.89 Treworgey Tree Fayre . Liskeard . Cornwall . Thanks to the heat it took several early mornings to get the stage set up . Photo = Dave Fawcett

'Poxy-Dog' Martin At Treworgey Fayre 1989
Martin Practicing 'Devil-sticks' & Decker Lin's Leyland .
Seen 19.7.89 Treworgey . Liskeard . Cornwall . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Gobby Gary (rip) Riding A Horse . Treworgey 1989
Gary Travelled With Other Brew Crew' In The 'Social Bus' .
Seen 27.7.89 Treworgey Tree Fayre . Liskeard . Cornwall . Gary was one of many whose chaotic OTT live style finally caught him out and he OD in the mid 1990's . Photo = Dave Fawcett

H.B. Scrapping Dave & Jo's Bus At Treworgey 1989
MMC307C (1965) Bedford SB5 . Duple Bella Vega C41F. Ex- R.A.C.S. London SE18 KO117 .
Seen 26.7.89 Treworgey Tree Fayre . Liskeard . Cornwall . HB had helped Dave change the engine in his & Jo's home 3 times , so he helped dismantle it during a week in the pre-festival field . All parts except the prop-shaft were sold to other Bedford & Bella Vega owners on site . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Schmitt & His Bad Taste Shorts . Treworgey 1989
BRY950C (1965) Ford L40D . Marshall bdy. Ex-Leicester C.C.
Seen 26.7.89 Treworgey . Liskeard . Cornwall . He'd arrived after the festival had finished , which is why his naff US shorts were still clean . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Unicycling At Dusk . Treworgey Festival 1989
Passing The Time After The Festival .
Seen 3.8.89 Treworgey Tree Fayre . Liskeard . Cornwall . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jez At Eye Airfield Site 1989
Jez & Site Dogs .
Seen 18.8.89 Eye . nr Diss . Suffolk . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Blah Dave On His Doorstep . Amsterdam 1989
Dave & Fudge At The Havens Festival . JOU649P (1975) Leyland Boxer . Ex-BT .
Seen 26.8.89 Amsterdam . Holland . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mike & Schmitt's Bus . Havens Festival 1989
The Bus Was A Vegan Cafe .
Seen 26.8.89 Amsterdam . Holland . All went OK until our 5th member stole the takings .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Critter & His 'Chopper' . Amsterdam 1989
Critter Created This On Site .
Seen 29.8.89 Amsterdam . Holland . Havens festival site . Photo = Dave Fawcett

$lob & Truck Stop Cafe . Havens . Amsterdam 1989
Cafe Built Between FG & J-Type .
26.8.89 Amsterdam . Holland . Dutch festival on long term squatted site . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Pete Dread . The Truck Stop Cafe . Amsterdam 199
Havens Festival Squat Site Cafe .
Seen 29.8.89 Amsterdam . Holland . This had been built between an FG & a J-Type . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Frank & Bike At Havens's Festival Amsterdam 1989
South African Frank .
Seen 31.8.89 Amsterdam . Holland . At the earlier Treworgey festival he'd run a cosmic ice-cream van , here he was a bike repair man . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jason (Stig) & Schmitt . Havens . Amsterdam 1989
Jason Lived In A Wooden Cabin On The Squat Site .
Seen 31.8.89 Amsterdam . Holland . He'd visited the UK for the Treworgey Festival , which is how we heard about the Havens one . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jake At Rougham Harvest Fayre 1989
Now A Cardiff University Graduate !
Seen 10.9.89. Rougham . Suffolk . He was stood in front of Tim & Zippy's ENP324B Bedford SB5 Bella Vega C41F. When a toddler he'd been badly burnt in an accident with a wood burning range . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Nick & His Embassy . Market. Bosworth Site 1989
5506RK (1961) Bedford SB8 . Plaxton Embassy I C41F. Ex-Bennett . Croydon 6 .
Seen 3.12.89 Market Bosworth . Leics. Nick was amongst the 12+ vehicles that parked on a quiet roadside during the autumn of this year . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hal & Truck Stop Cafe At Amsterdam Squat 1989
Built Between An FG & J-Type .
Seen 29.8.89 Amsterdam . Holland . This site was supposed to host the Havens Festival , but torrential rain washed it out ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Nick In Oak Tree At Market Bosworth Site 1989
Nick On A Wooding Mission .
Seen 17.11.89 Market Bosworth . Leics . Wintertime roadside site . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Schmitt & Steve At Winter Solstice Site 1989
UHT Milk For Breakfast !
Seen 21.12.89 A303 nr. Stonehenge . Wiltshire . After squatting the car park opposite the Stones for the 1989 Autumn Equinox we were obliged to move further away to a disused piece of road . Cold night spent inside HB's VAL . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Alec At Gopsall Wharf Site 1990
Alec's About To Go Scrapping .
Seen 23.2.90 Gopsall Wharf . Leics. Wintertime site activity to make $$ . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chilly Phill Wooding At Chilbolton Drove Site 1990
Smiling On His Way Home .
Seen 28.2.90 Chilbolton Drove . Dorset . Roger's AEC Decker can be seen in the background . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Glenda At Kiln Farm . Rougham 1990
Dressed For Entertaining Children In A Nearby Village .
Seen 8.4.90 Green Deserts HQ. Rougham . Suffolk . Glenda and other TUMT folks were living in their vehicles behind the farm . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Womble & His Morris . Hempnall Airfield Site 1990
Q36HPW Austin Morris Commercial . Ex-MoD .
Seen 8.4.90 Hempnall . Suffolk . Fresh out of a site barn after putting a BMC 5.1 diesel engine in it , hence the badge in his hand .

Tat & Schmitt At Gopsall Wharf Site 1990
Schmitt & Gaye Bikers Hoodie .
Seen 15.5.90 Gopsall Wharf . Leics. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Joseph Playing At Gopsall Wharf Site 1990
Wellies , Muddy Puddle & Stick !
Seen 18.5.90 Snareston . Leics. Entertainment for site kids before game boy etc. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Sitting Comfortably At Andover Festival 1990
Rear Door Wheelchair Lift .
Seen 9.6.90 Penton Mewsey . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Steve & Farrier At Glastonbury Festival 1990
Mobile Farrier Seeing To Horse Drawn Folks Animals .
Seen 27.6.90 Pilton . Somerset . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Charles At A44 Broadwas Lay-By Site 1990
Charles & Site Dog .
Seen 8.7.90 Broadwas Worcs. One day we walked around Worcester with him wearing a Victorian wedding gown . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Lawrence Juggling Axes . Broadwas Lay-by Site 1990
Lawrence , Freeno & Joseph .
Seen 18.7.90 Broadwas . Worcs. Photo = Dave Fawcett

My Bad Taste Shorts . A44 Broadwas Lay-by 1990
How Else To Show Off My Knobbly Knees !
Seen 21.7.90 Broadwas . Worcs. I spent a few months on this site after the Glastonbury festival , but it was used for a year . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ben Playing Saxaphone In Hereford 1990
Dole Run = Hours Waiting For Alison .
Seen 13.8.90 Cattle Market . Hereford . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Nick & Rocky At Marsh Common Site 1990
One Man And His Dog .
Seen 17.8.90 Marsh Common . Worcs. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jez Painting His J2 At Pfera Hall Site 1990
JPN110D (1966) Bedford J2SZ10 . Willowbrook C19F. Ex-Bletchley Self Drive . Bletchley SE27 .
Seen 15.9.90 nr.Ledbury . Jez making use of the summer to seal the roof of his & Mair's blim bus . Later they sold it to Jim Blim & Vicky . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Steve Trailer Scrapping At Pfera Hall Site 1990
Traveller + Spade + Astral = $$$ .
Seen 17.9.90 Pfera Hall . nr.Ledbury . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Giles Blowing His Trumpet At Autumn Equinox 1990
Giles & Others Greeting The Grey Dawn With Noise .
Seen 23.9.90 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Pete Dread & Chillum At Autumn Equinox 1990
Celebrating Autumn Equinox With A Chillum Circle Inside The Stones .
Seen 23.9.90 Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mark (RIP) At Stonehenge Autumn Equinox 1990
Mark Using A Fallen Stone To Fill His Pipe .
Seen 23.9.90 Stonehenge . Wiltshire . If I remember correctly Mark was good with wood and made toys etc with it ? Sadly died of heart disease in Feb 2010 . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Slap & His FG At Prfra Hall Site Eviction 1990
Slap & Mel & Twins Towed A Vickers Caravan Behind Their FG .
Seen 3.10.90 Red Marley . Ledbury . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bez (rip) & Bus Rearside . Cold Ash Quarry 1990
696YTD (1962) Ford Thames 570E Duple Yeoman . Ex-Morecambe Motors .
Seen 1.12.90 nr.Newbury . Berks. Bez & Gog's bus had been a Stock Car transporter so they removed the opening rear doors , had a carpenter make a wood frame & Critter paneled the corners . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Luap (rip) & Jake At Home In Cold Ash Quarry 1990
KMP684P (1975) Ford R1014 . Marshall B45C. Ex-London Borough Waltham Forest 3320 .
Seen 30.12.90 Cold Ash Quarry . Bucklebury . Berks. The bus had been used by RDF on tour then Fred & Luap lived on it . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ashley Being A Tit . Cold Ash Quarry Site 1991
Eviction Day .
Seen 7.1.91 Bucklebury . Berks. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Loading Critter's Triumph At Cold Ash Quarry 1991
Eviction Day , Critter's Triumph 'Hurricane' & Dodge-HCB-Angus Ex-Fire Tender .
Seen 7.1.01 Cold Ash . Bucklebury . Berks. Photo = Dave Fawcett

At Home In TK . Lasham Chipping Depot Site 1991
Bedford TK . Ex-BT .
Seen 5.2.91 Alton . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Making A Snowhenge At Lasham Depot Site 1991
Jim Blim , $lob & Critter .
Seen 12.2.91 Lasham . Alton . Berks. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tom At The Wheel Of My TK . Lasham Site 1991
Tom & His Parents Andy & Elaine Were Moving Into A Coach .
Seen 20.3.91 Lasham Chipping Depot . Alton . Hants. Sadly the coach was burnt out in a candle fire . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Boysie At Sunrise . Phil's Birthday Party 1991
Music Thanks To DIY .
Seen 23.3.91 West Bridgeford . Notts. Probably DJ Jack on the decks . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rob At Phil's West Bridgeford Birthday Party 1991
Rob Dancing In Early morning Sunshine .
Seen 23.3.91 West Bridgeford . Notts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chilly Phill's West Bridgeford Birthday Party 1991
DIY Tunes In The Morning Sun For Phil & Mothball (rip) .
Seen 23.3.91 West Bridgeford . Notts. Probably DJ Jack on the decks . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rodger 'Having it' At Phil's Birthday Rave 1991
Rodger & Pineapple Look .
Seen 23.3.91 West Bridgeford . Notts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Alfi At Barnstone Railway Site 1991
Alfi Was With His Parents , Jim & Anna .
seen 16.4.91 Barnstone . Notts. A 5050 horse-drawn & vehicle site . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mark Swinging It At Barnstone Railway Site 1991
Marquee Erection For Site Party .
Seen 20.4.91 Barnstone Railway Site . Notts . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Critter & Robbie At Barnstone Railway Site 1991
NLP91P (1975) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 24.4.91 Barnstone . Notts. Sat on the sofa of their pantechnicon home . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jason Cutting Coins Steve's Roof Hungerford 1991
Jason Being Creative On Steve's Ex-BBC Austin Van .
Seen 5.5.91 Hungerford . Berks. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Boysie Cutting Steve's Hair Jubilee Way Site 1991
Outdoor Barber .
Seen 1991 Strathern . Notts. Steve decided he wanted a change of look so asked Boysie shave him a wide mohican . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Subtle Steve (Rip) Stockbridge Down 1991
Subtle Steve & Folks During Early Morning Eviction .
Seen 18.6.91 Stockbridge Down . Hants. Everyone had to move but we had fun winding up any roving journalists . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Litter Picker Martin . Stockbridge Down Site 1991
Martin Could Always Been Seen Tidying Sites .
Seen 18.6.91 Stockbridge Down . Hants. Early morning eviction time , so we moved down the road to Rats Run for the Solstice festival . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Erecting The Pyramid Stage Rats Run Festival 1991
Lee , Phil , Schmitt & ? .
Seen 20.6.91 Longstock . Hants. It was used by DIY during the week long Solstice Festival . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Julian Unicycling Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
Room To Cycle Until Punters Arrived .
Seen 20.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Julian Painting My TK At Rats Run Festival 1991
NHP551P (1975) Bedford TK . Ex-Telecom .
Seen 20.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Solstice festival site , Julian was painting 'Serve Chilled' on my home to promote my vegan truffle business ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Comfy-Lux Nick At Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
Nick Munching Rich T & Hash Truffle .
Seen 20.6.91 Longstock . Hants. He was sampling one of my products .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dave On A Moped & Barney On Foot . Rats Run 1991
Two Different Ways To Move Along The Drove .
Seen 20.6.91 Longstock . Hants . Solstice Festival . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Cockney At Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
Strolling Along The Drove .
Seen 20.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dan At Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
Matching Hat & Jumper .
Seen 21.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Roy & Green Dreads Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
Roy Was A Member Of A Green Band .
Seen 21.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

One Man & Not Very 'Special' Brew . Rats Run 1991
A Punter Who Insisted I Immortalize His Can ..
Seen 21.6.91 Longstock . Hants . Solstice Festival . Golden tin of crap . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Blah Dave At Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
Captain Rave On Himself ...
Seen 21.6.91 Longstock . Hants. photo = Dave Fawcett

Paleface- Mark At Rats Run Soltice Festival 1991
Looking Cool On The Steps Of His Box-trailer .
Seen 22.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Little Dave At Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
Little Dave Smiling On The Drove .
Seen 22.6.91 Longstock . Hants. No sign of his dog 'Ten Bob' . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Unknown Blokes At Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
2 Who'd Just Passed My TK .
Seen 22.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Drove Stroller At Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
1990's Look Of Dreads, Para-boots & Special Brew ..
Seen 22.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Lemmy As Mr Piggy Plod-brew At Rats Run 1991
Not One Of The On-site Plain Clothes Squad .
Seen 22.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Solstice Festival . Photo = Dave Fawcett

A Pair Of Ginger Nuts . Rats Run Solstice 1991
Dave (Bad Taste Shorts ) & Hamish .
Seen 22.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Two's Up On Rats Run . Solstice Festival 1991
Site Taxi Service ..
Seen 22.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Quicker than walking the length of the mile long drove site . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Max & Jack Russel Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
Max Strolling Along The Drove .
Seen 22.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

John 'At Home' Rats Run Solstice Festival 1991
John Waiting For Chilly Phil .
Seen 25.6.91 Longstock . Hants. Eviction day after the Solstice festival , $lob's bus in the background . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chilly Phil At Arbor Low Stone Circle 1991
Site Trip .. From Newhaven Drove To Arbor Low .
Seen 29.6.91 Arbor Low . Derbys. Recumbent circle & so were we on arriving there , much to the amusement of the public . Photo = Dave Fawcett

6 Go Tripping In Derbyshire ! Gib Hill 1991
Chilly Phill , Lee , Blah Dave , Comfy Lux Nick & Boysie .
Seen 29.6.91 Gib Hill . Derbys. Next to a stone circle is this hillock , for some reason it was 'closed' on our visit . Photo = Dave Fawcett

6 Go Tripping In Derbyshire ! Gib Hill 1991
Chilly Phil , Lee , Blah Dave , Comfy Lux Nick & Boysie .
Seen 29.6.91 Gib Hill . Derbyshire . We went on a 'day-trip' from nearby Newhaven drove to Arbor Low stone circle and this hillock nearby . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Strolling In A Skirt At Rutland Festival 1991
Practical At This Very Hot Festival .
Seen 7.7.91 Harringworth . Northants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Site Security At Rutland Festival 1991
Armed But Not Dangerous !
Seen 7.7.91 Harringworth . Northants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

John At Morton Lighthouse Festival 1991
John's Dance Move Specialty Was 'Frying An Egg ' .
Seen 14.7.91 Morton Lighthouse . Merseyside . Photo = Dave Fawcett

'Wigman' At Morton Lighthouse Festival 1991
Scouser With Style .
Seen 14.7.91 Morton Lighthouse . Merseyside . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Peace Off Matey ..Morton Lighthouse Festival 1991
Someone Who Often Insisted On Being Snapped ..
Seen 14.7.91 Morton Lighthouse . Merseyside . photo = Dave Fawcett

Max At Morton Lighthouse Festival 1991
Max Is Lying On Kizzy's Bedford VAM14 Coach Bed Platform .
Seen 15.7.91 Morton Lighthouse . Merseyside . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chris P & Chris At Morton Lighthouse Festival 1991
Traveller & Raver At 2nd Merseyside Festival .
Seen 15.7.91 Moreton Lighthouse . Merseyside . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tat Washing Up At Llanbister Festival 1991
Not Too Happy Being Domesticated .
Seen 1991 Llanbister . Powys . Wales . Photo =Dave Fawcett

Hippy Dad & Sprog Llanbister Common Festival 1991
Bimbling Around The Common .
Seen 3.8.91 Llanbsiter . Powys . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Julian & Shamal At Llanbister Common Festival 1991
Julian & Pint . Shamel & Magic Marker = Lee & Whit !!
Seen 3.8.91 Powys . Wales . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Kids & Mini-bike . Llanbister Common Festival 1991
An Afternoon Blatting Around The Welsh Hillside !
Seen 3.8.91 Llanbister Common . Powys . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Brin At Llanbister Common Festival 1991
Happy Festival Stroller .
Seen 3.8.91 Llanbister Common . Powys . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Matt & Can At Llanbister Common Festival 1991
Strolling Around The Site .
Seen 3.8.91 Llanbister Common . Powys . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Patrick's RL Rescue At Trecastle Festival 1991
Chaining Q4 To Patrick's RL .
Seen 10.8 91 Trecastle . Powys . Patrick had 'parked' his RL in a bog so a Q4 & MK spent the morning towing him out . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Reuban & Son At Trecastle Festival 1991
Reuban Was Watching Patrick's RL Being Dragged Out Of A Bog .
Seen 10.8.91 Powys . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jano Driving A Mastiff At Trecastle Festival 1991
Q882RGC Leyland Mastiff . Recovery Truck .
Seen 10.8.91 Trecastle . Powys . The owner had left it blocking the festival drag , so Jano hopped into its cab to move it . Photo = Dave Fawcett

John The Photographer At Trecastle Festival 1991
John Was Working On A Student Project .
Seen 10.8.91 Trecastle . Powys . He later created a public display of his festival photos . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mike At Trecastle Festival 1991
Enjoying Fresh Welsh Air .
Seen 10.8.91 Trecastle . Powys . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Steve At Trecastle Festival 1991
Steve & Dog On A String .
Seen 11.8.91 Powys . Wales . photo = Dave Fawcett

Stroller At Trecastle Festival 1991
Festival Attendant & Hat On A Welsh Mountain .
Seen 11.8.91 Trecastle . Powys . photo = Dave Fawcett

Tat At Twistleton Dale Festival 1991
Limestone Pavement Above The Festival Site .
Seen 25.8.91 Ingleton . Yorks. Nighttime visits were made here after mushroom coffee . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tash At Twistleton Dale Festival 1991
Tash Was Using With His Super Wide Angled Lens .
Seen 25.8.91 Ingleton . N. Yorks. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Sat Above The Twistleton Dale Festival 1991
Limestone Pavement Above The Festival Site .
Seen 25.8.91 Ingleton . N.Yorks. I can't recall the name of the bloke sat to the left of me . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Matty & Gut At Twistleton Dale Festival 1991
'Fatty Matty' .
Seen 26.8.91 Ingleton . N.Yorks. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Andy , Ian & Carl At Twistleton Dale Festival 1991
Eviction Time .
Seen 29.8.91 Twistleton Dale . Ingleton . N.Yorks . Photo = Dave Fawcett

London Posse Bloke . Pendragon Castle 1991
Pendragon Castle Near Mallerstang , Kirkby Steven Festival .
Seen 31.8.91 Pendragon Castle . Cumbria . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Kerry & His Red Boots . Kendal Site 1991
'These Boots Were Made For Walking' ..
Seen 2.9.91 A684 Kendal . Cumbria . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hippies Go Mining At Bolihope Common 1991
Sid & Co Exploring Disused Mine Shaft .
Seen 7.9.91 Bolihope Common Festival . Alston . Co.Durham . Plastic explosive was found & detonated later . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Alec & Tat Scrapping At Beckside Farm 1991
More Hitting With Sledge Hammer Than Weigh In .
Seen 13.10.91 Crook . Cumbria . Ian's BMC FG Horsebox & Kerry's TK which had been burnt out in a burner fire . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Joseph Cycling In Allen Knot Quarry Site 1991
2 12yr Old Playing In Council Gravel Dump .
Seen 24.10.91 Troutbeck . Cumbria . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Alec FG Scrapping At Beckside Farm 1991
Alec & Ian's FG Horse Box .
Seen 28.10.91 Beckside Farm . Crook . Cumbria . A mission that ended in failure after the arm of his hi-ab broke . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Kerry Driving His Bristol MW6G . Kendal 1991
Kerry Maneuvering His & Helen's Bus .
Seen 9.11.91 Council Depot . Kendal . Cumbria . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Carl Driving Beck's FG ! Odstone Drove Site 1991
Less Classy Than His Atkinson 6x6 Snow Plough .
Seen 16.12.91 Ibstock . Leics. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Demo (rip) & Super Vega Home . Clifton Hall 1992
700FYB (1959) Bedford SB3 . Duple Super Vega C41F . Ex-Blagdon Lioness . Blagdon .
Seen 2.1.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Max At Home , Clifton Hall Site 1992
PFB693Y (1982) Bedford MK 4x4 . Ex-MOD .
Seen 3.1.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs . Soon after this photo Max moved the box onto Glug's Commer which later became Aly's home . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Carl & Becks Wooding At Odstone Drove 1992
Sawing Elm 'Liberated' From Nearby Coppice .
Seen 13.1.92 Ibstock . Leics. A bow-saw only site . But required a foggy morning to prevent the owner spotting the site wooding mission . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dominic Tyre Changing At Odstone Drove 1992
Becki Watching Dominic .
Seen 22.1.92 Ibstock . Leics. Dominic had an Albion Victor Bus 4076 . photo = Dave Fawcett

Chod (rip) Having Fun At Clifton Hall Site 1992
Cutting Ropes On Pat's Caravan .
Seen 21.2.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs. Chod was taking Pat's caravan off Sham's WW2 searchlight draw-bar trailer so he could put his Sterling caravan onto it (and bend its chassis..) Photo = Dave Fawcett

Sham At Work . Clifton Hall Site 1992
Sham Cutting Jay's Austin K9 Wheel .
Seen 24.2.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chod (rip) Thinking . Clifton Hall Site 1992
Halfway Through Removing Pat's Caravan From Sham's WW2 Trailer .
Seen 23.2.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs. Chod then put his Sterling caravan onto Sham's WW2 Searchlight draw-bar trailer , but the weight bent it . Photo = Dave Fawcett

PA At Charity Farm Site 1992
PA & Jill Were Moving From Big Commer Bus To Dennis Fire Engine Cab !
Seen 7.6.92 Breedon . Leics. Photo = Davc Fawcett

Max & 'New' Bedford 500 . Charity Farm Site 1992
Max Replaced The Bedford 330 In His MK .
Seen 18.4.92 Breedon . Leics. The scrapyard owner had to deliver a 2nd engine after the 1st was found to had a blown head . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Max Praying To His MK ! . Charity Farm Site 1992
PFB693Y (1982) Bedford MK . Ex-MOD .
Seen 18.4.92 Breedon . Leics. Max was steadying his cab as the scrapyard owner who was delivering a Bedford 500cc engine to replace the 330cc lifted it off with a hi-ab . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tet (rip) At Charity Farm Site 1992
Tet Returning My Battery Used To Start His & Lucy's Bus .
Seen 7.6.92 Breedon . Leics. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ollie Working At Charity Farm Site 1992
Carpentry In The Sun .
Seen 16.5.92 Breedon . Leics. He was making cupboard doors for his & Jen's coach . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Gwyn at Charity Farm Site ' 92
He was 5 yrs old here and sitting against PA & Jill's Commer .
Seen 7.6.92 Charity Farm . Breedon . Leics.

Adam Despairing At Donnington Le Heath Farm 1992
Adam & Albion EN287 Engine .
Seen 19.6.92 Donnington Le Heath . Leics. His original buses' engine was dead , so bought another , only to find it was as well . But 3rd time was lucky ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bes (rip) Upton Drove Site 1992
Bes Relaxing On The Drove Next To Tat & Bridget's Bella Vega .
Seen 7.8.92 Upton . Leics. He died of lung cancer in Spain in 2014 . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Bes (rip) & His Terrier At Upton Drove Site 1992
NRB965W (1980) Leyland Terrier . Ex-British Rail .
Seen 14.9.92 Upton . Leics. Bes had used his artistic talents on his own home as well as other folks' . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Adam At Moreley Quarry Site 1992
Adam Paneling The Rear Of My Albion Chieftain .
Seen 13.10.92 Shepshed . Leics. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ollie & Jon (rip) At Hill Hole Quarry Site 1992
Ollie Helping Jon To Convert His Dodge , HCB-Angus Fire Tender .
Seen 8.12.92 Markfield . Leics. Not the easiest vehicles to convert . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Freeno & Schmitt Filling Up Hill Hole Quarry 1992
Pre-Site Move Preparations .
Seen 14.12.92 Markfield . Leics. Before we were evicted joyriders dumped a car in the quarry . Photo = Dave Fawcett

All' Hickey . Bottesford Railway Site 1993
Allan = Nottingham Dweller & Site Visitor .
Seen 3.2.93 Bottesford . Leics. photo = Dave Fawcett

Bill Repairing Tat & Bridget's Bus At Ketton 1993
5am Site Raid = All Rear Windows Trashed .
Seen 7.7.93 Ketton . Leics. Photo =

Adam Repairing Tat & Bridget's Bus . Ketton 1993
Riot Cops Trashed The Rear Windows During a 5am Site Raid .
7.7.93 Barrowden Lane . Ketton . Leics. Whilst Tat & 3 others from site sat in cells Adam & Bill set about weather proofing the damage until replacement glass could be found . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tat & Sceen Fitter At Barrowden Lane Site 1993
Auto Glass Examining Freeno's Bus Screen .
Seen 1.7.93 Ketton . Leics. After they'd struggled to refit a split screen in Bridget's Commer Horse Box Freeno asked them to look at his . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mark (rip) At Butts Quarry Rave 1993
Mark After All Night Partying !!
Seen 1.8.93 Butts Quarry . Derbys. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Nick & Geoff Rhodes At Mkt. Harborough 1994
Geoff Rhodes . Ex-Military Vehicle Collector .
Seen 1994 Market Harborough . Leics. Geoff bought & sold ex-MoD stuff . Photo = Aly

Paul & Gary At Laxton Airfield Site 1994
Talking & Roll-ups In The Rain .
Seen 17.1.94 Laxton . Northants. Paul had been found living in his car at the entry to a previous site after canal officials had weighed his boat in during his absence . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Danny (rip) At Work On Laxton Airfield Site 1994
Winching A Scrap Landrover Onto His D Series .
Seen 20.1.94 Laxton Airfield . Northants. Sadly he was later murdered when a car deal with Gypsies went wrong . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dave Busy On My Albion Cab at Welham Lane ' 94
After 20 years neglected by a showman my cab was in need of severe repair work , luckily dave was nearby !
Seen 3.2.94 Welham Lane . Great Bowden . Leics.

In My Albion's Kitchen At Welham Lane Site 1994
T Making For Parental Visit .
Seen 16.2.94 Great Bowden . Leics. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Roger At The Promised Land . Chepstow 1994
Roger Was Not On Form ..
Seen 1994 Chepstow . Photo = Bridget .

Adam & Harry At Southy Woods Site 1998
Adam & Harry (1yr) On His Lorry Tailgate .
Seen 199 Southy Woods . Northants. Photo = Alix

Jano & Duple Vista At Stoney Cross 1986
UDG924 (1958) Bedford SB3 . Duple Vega C41F. Ex-Silvey . Epney .
Seen 6.86 Stoney Cross . Hants. Prior to dawn police raid to impound all but 4 of the vehicles . Photo = Alix

Ray & Seb At Lasham Gritting Depot Site 1988
Ray & Hound .
Seen 1988 Lasham . Hants. Photo = Alix

Russel At Ditch Edge Lane Site 1980's
Russel Working On A Horse Drawn Trolley .
Seen 1980s Ditch Edge Lane . Photo = Alix

Julian At Dianne's . Ales . France 2007
Julian Was Repainting Dianne's Ex-Showman's Living Van .
Seen 9.07 Le Martinet (30) France . Photo = Dianne .

Tony & His Morris Commercial .
USU107 (1947) Austin . Morris Commercial .
Seen ? His MC had previously been Critter & Rachels , the last I saw it Tony was driving into Aurillac (France) for the town's street theater festival in 1995 . Photo = Matt Churchill .

Will Being Will In Ireland ...
One Man & His Banjo .
Seen Ireland . Photo = Will .

Dodgy Dave & Owen
Owen . Well Wrapped Up .
Seen .. Photo = Alix

Carl & Truffle At Slough Green Site .1990's
Carl's Tasteful Dress Sense .
Seen 1990's Slough Green . Somerset . He still misses Truffle . Photo = Liz

Jeff 'Driving' His & Liz's Duple Vega , 1990's
BHU473A 4944NA (1960) Bedford SB3 . Duple Vega C41F . Ex-Happiways . Manchester .
Seen 1990's Ottery St. Mary . Devon . Jeff & Liz had stored their home at a bus depot , only to have it petrol bombed ! Photo = Liz Watkins .

Piccolo Pete Polishing His Blim Bus Windscreen
Pete Wasting Time ..
Seen ? Photo = Mark Wright .

Alan , JB & Bender At Milngavie 1990
Site Fashion Pre-rave 1990's .
Seen 1990 Milngavie . Photo = Stuart Macrae .

JB & Dog & Bender In Milngavie . Scotland 1990
JB's Home Life .
Seen 1990 Milngavie . nr.Glasgow . Photo = Stuart Macrae .

Stuart Macrae & Dog In Lancashire 1990's
Stuart & Lancashire Site .
Seen 1990's Lancs. Photo = Stuart Macrae .

Stuart Macrae At Home
Stuart & T .
Seen ... Photo = Stuart Macrae .

Mike (rip) Using UK Phone Box In France 1994
UK Town Twinning Gift To Angers .
Seen 3.5.94 Angers . France . Mike died in 1998 . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Roy (rip) On His Tractor At Ceauce 1994
Vendeuve Tractor .
Seen 4.5.94 Ceauce . Normandy . Roy Meredith owned an old farm where he held a few festivals , he died sometime c 2001 . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Keith Fluting . Gorges d'Heric 1994
Not A Busking Spot !
Seen 20.5.94 Mons La Trivale . (34) Herault . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Nigel Pole Spinning At Mons La Trivalle 1994
Nigel Entertaining English Cherry Pickers .
Seen 24.5.94 Mons La Trivalle (34) Herault . France . photo = Dave Fawcett

Glen (18 Months) & Porridge .Mons La Trivalle 1994
Critter & Rachel's 2nd Son .
Seen 27.5.94 Mons La Trivalle . (34) Herault . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Justin (rip) & Unicycle Mons La Trivalle Site 1994
Justin & Extra Long Unicycle .
Seen 2.6.94 Mons La Trivalle (34) Herault . France . This was the English cherry pickers park-up for years . Justin was practicing for his street act in front of Nigel & Goldie's Austin lorry with Mike (rip) watching . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Leo Making Giant Soap Bubbles At Pressignac 1994
Leo Entertained Kids With This Show .
Seen 20.6.94 Pressignac-Vicq (33) Gironde . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Me At Lulu's 'Non-Party' . Pressignac 1994
Sisi's Revenge Photo .
Seen 20.6.94 Pressignac-Vicq (33) Gironde . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jay On Max's Tailgate At Pressignac Festival 1994
Jay Setting Up A Sound System .
Seen 20.6.94 Pressignac-Vicq (33) Gironde . France . The landowner . Lulu had cancelled the party on his land but the English who'd made the journey had a party anyway . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Austin At Lulu's 'Non-Party' , Pressignac 1994
Austin When Younger & Slimmer ..
Seen 20.6.94 Pressignac-Vicq (33) Gironde . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Critter & Jewellery . Lac du Paty . France 1994
Sunday Bal du Fete .
Seen 3.7.94 Caromb (84) Vaucluse . France . The lakeside snack-bar owners let us use their parking , but every Sunday was old time dancing . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Robbie & Glen . Carpentras Fairground Ride 1994
14th July Fete Forain .
Seen 14.7.94 Carpentras (84) France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Gerard At Notre Dame Des Anges . France 1994
Gerard A Travelling French Jeweler .
Seen 6.8.94 Notre Dame des Anges . (26) Drome . France . A good laugh , especially when he tried speaking English & fond of the wine . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Critter , Pascal , Gerard & Taxi .Carcassonne 1994
Return Journey From Buying Jewellery Materials In Barcelona .
Seen 9.8.94 Gorges des Galamus . Carcassonne . (66) P.O. France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Scottish - Carcassonne John's 50th Birthday 1994
Scottish John On Form .
Seen 29.8.94 Bar de La Poste . Puymeras . (26) Drome . He later moved to live with his french partner in Carcassonne . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Gwain At Fran & Aide's . Poiares . Portugal 1995
Triggy & Kim's Son & RL Tyre !
Seen 6.4.95 Poiares . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mick Practising Diablo An Portugal 1995
Mick Could Spin Several Diablos At The Same Time
Seen 14.5.95 Casa da Estrella . Gois . Portugal . Imogen had just given birth to their daughter Lilly so they were staying in a friends house . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mick Nappy Scrubbing . Gois . Portugal 1995
His & Imogen's Daughter Lilly Was Only A Few Days Old .
Seen 14.5.95 Casa da Estrella . Gois . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

'Australian Chris' At St. Y Bar Festival 1995
Nicknamed After Being In Australia For A Few Years .
Seen 27.5.95 (09) Ariege . France . Blowing down a farting drain-pipe .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

French Frank At Lac Blasimon Festival 1995
Frank Was One Of The Few Travelling French ...
Seen 16.6.95 Lac Blasimon Festival (33) Gironde . France . As usual we had to squat the parking of this event to make an English style festival out of it ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Pog & Czech Peter Busking In Aurillac 1995
Playing The Pink Panther Theme .
Seen 21.6.95 Aurillac (15) Cantal . France . photo = Dave Fawcett

Wheelchair Fire Breather In Aurillac 1995
'Fête de la Musique' Evening .
Seen 21.6.95 Aurillac (15) Cantal . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Julian & Guy Working The Lights In Annonay 1995
Making $$ During The Town's Street Theatre Festival .
Seen 23.6.95 Annonay . Ardeche (07). France . We'd squatted the festival parking where Total Resistance held a party . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Pompey Ken On The Decks At Annonay Festival 1995
Total Resistance Party In Street Theater Festival Parking .
Seen 25.6.95 Annonay (07) Ardeche . France . The local gendarmes let us party on the Friday night but prevented a repeat performance on the Saturday . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mickey Le Punk In Valence . France 1995
One Of My Summer Squatters , Thanks To French Frank .
Seen 28.6.95 Valance (26) Drome . France . We deliberately lost him here as too much of a pain to travel with . Photo = Dave Fawcett

10% John Relaxing At Belfort Eurokeennes 1995
John Waiting For Punters .
Seen 6.9.95 (90) Belfort . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rob & Fire Chains At Sebaduro , Portugal 1994
One Of Many Parties At Rob's House .
Seen 31.10.94 Serpins . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Triggy Camera Shy At Ellie's Land . Portugal 1994
Morning After The Solstice Party .
Seen 22.12.95 Villa Nova do Poiares . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Alan , Aisa & Patrick In Central Coimbra 1994
Entertaining Themselves After Portuguese Xmas Shoppers Had Gone Home .
Seen 23.12.94 Coimbra . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Arthur Wishing Me A Happy New Year ! 1994/5
Denise & Wendy's New Year's Eve Party .
Seen 31.12.94 Portugal . Alan's stood behind him with face-paint on . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hugh At St. Valentine's Party . Portugal 1995
Hard To Recognize Him .
Seen 17.2.95 Coimbra . Portugal . English organized party in the university's underground car park . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Pat (rip) St. Valentine's Party . Coimbra 1995
English Party In University Underground Parking .
Seen 17.2.95 Coimbra . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Triggy (rip) St. Valentine's Party . Coimbra 1995
English Party In University's Underground Parking .
Seen 17.2.95 Coimbra . Portugal . For once Triggy wasn't camera shy in his knitted 'onesey' Photo = Dave Fawcett

Little Nick At Annonay Street Festival France 1995
Total Resistance Party In The Festival Parking .
Seen 25.6.95 Annonay (07) Ardeche . France . The towns Gendarmes stopped the party continuing on Saturday night & now a right wing mayor has stopped the festival . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Joe & Camel . St. Amant Festival . France 1995
Laura's Son Getting A Ride .
Seen 4.8.95 St.Amant-Roche Savine (63) Puy-Dome . France . A French bloke traveled around festivals with 2 camels in a lorry . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Harold & Ginnie's Skirt . France 1995
Harold His Changing Style .
Seen 16.8.95 St.Julien Aux-Bois (19) Correze . France . Summer squatter with Czech Peter . La Cremerie resident , then tried vehicles . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hazzard Circus At Aurillac Street Festival 1995
Mikey & Perry Hazzard Performing .
Seen 26.8.95 Aurillac (15) Cantal . France . Phpto = Dave Fawcett

Total Resistance Zone Aurillac Festival Site 1995
Chris , Maff , Nick etc. Total Resistance's Camp-site Bar .
Seen 26.8.95 Aurillac (15) Cantal . France . One of 7 UK sound systems in the in town camp-site , which is why CRS forced everyone to another site outside the town in following years ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

English Zone At Aurillac Street Festival 1995
Neil (rip) , Shaun & Julian & Total Resistance Campsite Zone .
Seen 26.8.95 Aurillac Festival (15) Cantal . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Welder At Fran & Adie's House . Portugal 1995
One Of Many Folks Parked In Their Garden .
Seen 6.4.95 Villa Nova do Poiares . Portugal . Not sure who this was but now that Triggy , Neil , Phil and various others were there are the time . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ross (rip) & Stanley Annonay Street Festival 1995
Ross Old Larger & Stanley .
Seen 25.6.95 Annonay (07) Ardeche . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Trans Night At Pierre's Land . Carlucet 1995
Men & Skirts At Total Resistance Night .
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Maff's on the right of this photo , but not dressed up like everyone else . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Beamie At Trans Night . Pierre's Land France 1995
Beamie As A Blonde ..
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . With 'Australian Chris' grinning behind , but not 'dressed up' Photo = Dave Fawcett

Julian At Trans Night .Pierre's Land Carlucet 1995
Some Women Were Jealous Of His Lemon Bust !
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Men's dresssing up night organised by Total Resistance , as it wasn't serious enough for Spiral Tribe . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Me & Tran's Night . Pierre's Land . France 1995
Total Resistance's Backdrop .
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Joe At Tran's Night . Pierre's Land Carlucet 1995
Joe Went For The Stripey Look .
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Lee At Tran's Night . Pierre's Land . France 1995
Another Cutie In A Tutti !!
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . The excuse was a Total Resistance party . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jim Jones At Tran's Night . Carlucet 1995
Stylish Hat To Go His Legs .
Seen 2.9.95 Pierre's Land . Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Lisa can be seen dancing in the background . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Lanny At Tran's Night . Carlucet . France 1995
Lanny Was Often Comfortable In A Dress .
Seen 2.9.95 Pierre's Land . Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Probably one of his own dresses he was wearing at this Total Resistance party . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rob At Tran's Night , Pierre's Land Carlucet 1995
Rob & Bottle Of Mandronia .
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hugh At Tran's Night , Pierre's Land . France 1995
Total Resistance Party .
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

My Bad Legs At Tran's Night . Carlucet 1995
A Reason To Stay In Trousers ..
Seen 2.9.95 Pierre's Land . Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Joe At Pierre's Land . Carlucet . France 1995
Mechanising 'New Mercedes Van' .
Seen 3.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bin Collecting After Foire Extraordinaire 1995
UXM669 Ford Thames ET6 .
Seen 28.10.95 Arvigna (09) Ariege . France . This was owned by Hazzard Circus and Triggy (rip) is waving to me as he helps clear the site after the festival ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Trans Night At Pierre's Land . Carlucet 1995
Total Resistance Party Night .
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Paul Trans Night . Pierre's Land . Carlucet 1995
Wig & Bustier Look .
Seen 2.9.95 Carlucet (46) Lot . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mikey On Foire Extraordinaire Festival Stage 1995
Organised By Mikey & Perry & Other Hazzard Circus Folks .
Seen 28.10.95 Arvigna (09) Ariege . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Felix & Milo In Their Decker's Cab . London 1996
Annette & Roland's Lad's . CFJ70C (1965) Leyland PD3 . Ex-Leicester 70 .
Seen 1996 London . Photo = Annette Ollereanshaw .

Richard At Glastonbury Festival 1986
In One Of The Many Camping Fields .
Seen 1986 Pilton . Somerset . Photo = Richard Roundhouse

Davey Gravy At Belfort Eurokeennes France 1996
Helping To Erect Total Resistance's Marquee .
Seen 4.7.96 Belfort (90) Belfort . France . Getting the marquee up was quite a delicate matter after the wind got up ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chad At Belfort Eurokeennes . France 1996
Fran & Aide's Eldest lad .
Seen 4.7.96 Belfort (90) Belfort . France . His wellies came in real handy as this festival became something of a washout ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Little Tat Staggering At Belfort Eurokeennes 1996
Little Tat , Bottle & Gob .
Seen 6.7.96 Belfort (90)T'de Belfort . France . He wasn't the only one who spent the week staggering around under the influence of one drug or another . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Davey Gravey Sidecar & Son Belfort Eurokeennes 96
Practical Transport Around Large Festival Campsite .
Seen 6.7.96 Belfort (90) Belfort . France . The 2nd year that a large UK Traveller group had squatted the paying festivals camp-site , this year with Total Resistance sound system's marquee . Photo = Dave Fawcett

3 Men & Their Sprogs At Belfort Eurokeennes 1996
Joe , Gillie & Aidie & Children .
Seen 7.7.96 Belfort (90) Belfort . France . Their kids are probably pushing their own offspring around these-days ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Julian At Belfort Eurokeenenes 1996
Preoccupied , But Old Lager In Hand .
Seen 7.7.96 Belfort (90) Belfort . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Italien Joe Cycling Traveller In Narbonne 2002
Joe , Bike & Trailer & Big Fluffy Dog !
Seen 24.1.02 Narbonne (11) Aude . France . He'd already toured round southern France before & I fed him for a few nights on the start of another tour . Later re-met him 12yrs later during the apple season in the Alpes . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Nigel Visting Luigi's Salignac Farm 2008
Nigel & New Years Sunshine !
Seen 1.1.08 Salignac (04) Alpes D. H.Provence . France . He'd dropped by to deliver various presents from the UK for myself & the Albion ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Gui & Citroen HY . 2007
9344ZA38 Citroen HY .
Seen 15.10.07 Faucon du Caire (04) France . Gui's very compact HY van . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bertrand In His Mercedes . Mirmande 2007
2759ZN30 Mercedes .
Seen 17.8.07 Mirmande . Drome (26) France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Wally & Jasper Play Station'ing At Salignac 2005
Sat In Jasper's Ford Horse Box .
Seen 3.9.05 Salignac (04) H.Provence . This was on Luigi's apple farm , where Wally managed to do more drinking than picking !! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ross (rip) At La Cremerie Squat . Toulouse 1997
Last Photo Before His Death .
Seen 5.2.97 La Cremerie . Toulouse . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Zak At St. Gauden's Street Festival 1997
Always Boisterous .
Seen 6.7.97 St.Gaudens (31) H.Garonne . France . Zak & Terry lived in a Bedford pantechnicon with Miranda & Paul . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Baz & Bus Crane . Mons La Trivalle . France 1999
UBL690 (1960) Bedford C5Z1. Duple Midland B30F. Ex-AWRE . Aldermaston .
Seen 24.5.99 Mons La Trivalle (34) Herault . France . Baz was in the process of putting his motorbike 'kit' back together ! . Later he cut the bus in 1/2 to extend it but Dutch hassle meant it was scrapped before he could complete it ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Frank Le Punk At Auterive 1997
Medieval Fete .
Seen 5.4.97 Auterive (31) H. Garonne . France . Frank was one of the inhabitants of the Cremerie squat outside Toulouse . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Martin Cherry Picking At La Cros 1998
Herault Cherries = Long Ladders & Low Output !
Seen 10.6.98 La Cros (34) Herault . France . 140kgs was a good days picking for the white cherries in this region ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bobbo Rock Climbing At La Basseul 1998
A Nice Change From Cherry Picking Until It Rained .
Seen 7.7.98 La Basseul (34) Herault . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Guy & Steff Web Making . Metal Toulouse Squat 1997
A771PRO (1983) Bedford A Series Tipper .
Seen 8.2.97 Toulouse (31) H. Garonne . France . They were making a spiders web out of rubber strips lying around the site . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Glen At Home In Portugal 1999
Living With Rachel & Brother Robbie .
Seen 6.4.99 Azenha Do Rainho . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Douggie Vic At Valence . France 2004
N945RTT (1995) Scania 93M 220 .
Seen 4.5.04 Valence (26) Drome . France . Douggie & his 'Cotswold Connections" rig moved around Europe attending truck shows and installing mobile homes on campsites . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Gareth & Blim At Montauban . France 1997
Man & Dog & November Sun !
Seen 8.11.97 Montauban (82) Tarn & Garonne . France . This was the last time In saw either of them . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Justin (rip) & Tattoo . La Cremerie Toulouse 1996
Justin & Body Art In French December Sunshine .
Seen 11.12.96 La Cremerie Squat . Toulouse (31) H.Garonne . France . Sadly soon after taking this photo Justin died at a party in Holland . Photo = Dave Fawcett

French Lads & DAF1600 At Larzac Festival 2003
1102RS66 DAF 1600 .
Seen 8.8.03 Larzac (12) Aveyron . France . This was a classic 'big empty truck' which many french youth did to emulate ours , though a few years later many were properly converted . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Archie At Mons La Trivalle 1997
Archie's Performing Kilt !
Seen 22.5.97 Mons La Trivalle (34) Herault . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Guy & Jake At Belfort Eurokeennes Festial 1996
Lads Strolling & Beer .
Seen 7.7.96 Belfort (90) Belfort . France . We'd squatted the festival campsite for a week long rave with bar etc. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Staggering Englishman At Belfort Eurokeennes 1996
Tequila , Shades & Camera .
Seen 7.7.96 Belfort Festival (90) Belfort . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Irish Lads At Belfort Eurokeennes 1996
Drunken Blathering ..
Seen 8.7.96 Belfort (90) T. de Belfort . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Toby & ? At Chalon Sur Saone Street Festival 1996
Mr Orange & Mr Yellow .
Seen 21.7.96 Chalon-s-Soane (71) S & L . France . These two Spanish residents had made up a spoof show to amuse the French public ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

John Comparing Erections !! Near Autun 1996
John & Big Menhir Near Autun .
Seen 22.7.96 Autun (71) Saone & Loire . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

John & French Hemp . 1996
Only Suitable For Being Photographed In .
Seen 1.8.96 Chalons-s-Marne (51) Marne . France . The neighbouring farmer was amused ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Aide & His J-type Engine . St. Kerverne 1998
Aide Changing J-Type Ambulance Engine .
Seen 1998 Cornwall . Photo = Sarah Wynne .

Trevor & Bus At Bogfield Site . Ireland 1991
XKP73A 1910ET (1962) Bedford VAS2 . Duple Bella Vista C29F . Ex-Riley . Rotherham .
Seen 1991 Bogfield . Ireland . He & the bus are still in Ireland , though no longer together . Photo = Trevor .

Christian On A Dorset Site 1986
Christian Here With Val ? .
Seen ? Dorset . Sadly he was the victim of a motorbike accident in 2008 . Photo = Trevor .

Ray At Home In France 2008
Facebook Profile !
Seen 2008 France . photo = Ray .

Bobbo On My Albion's Sofa . Mirmande 2008
Bobbo & My Pentax .
Seen 6.11.08 Mirmande (26) Drome . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mat , Son & Dog
Mat & Son , Whose Bigger Now !
Seen .. Photo = Mat .

Tet (rip) 2008
Tet When Grey But Still Grinning !
Seen 2008 . Sadly he later died after falling on his bike . Photo = Tet

Jano With Dreads 1986
Jano .
Seen 1986 Photo = Rob Large .

Phil (rip) & His Decker's Engine .Glastonbury 1990
XMR231A SDF281 (1956) AEC LD2RA Regent V . Park Royal H41/32RD . Ex-Cottrell . Mitcheldean .
Seen 6.90 Pilton . Somerset . Phil adjusting his engine , watched by Jill & co. . Photo = Rob Large .

Colin , Nest & TK At Smeeton Westerby Site 1994
BFG112T (1978) Bedford TK . Ex-British Telecom .
Seen 1994 Smeeton . Leics . Photo = Juile Berger Martin .

Gibo At Charity Farm Site , Breedon , 1992
Gibo Leaving For Castlemorton Festival .
Seen 5.1992 Breedon , Leices. He now lives in the Orkney's but his bus is long gone . Photo by Gibo.

Robert Cooking At Treworgey Tree Fayre 1989
Standard Traveller Hygiene !!
Seen 7.89 Treworgey . Cornwall . Photo = Robert .

Ib (rip) & Cariad Fenworthey Common Dartmoor 1989
Ib Died 3/08 In Nenagh , Ireland .
Seen 1989 Fenworthey Common , Dartmoor. Photo = Julie.

Police v Spider . Moreton Lighthouse Festival 1990
Confrontation Between Twat In A Flat Hat & Spider .
Seen 1990 Moreton Lighthouse Festival . Merseyside . Photo = Roddy .

Billy & Transit Van 1980's
Billy .
Seen 1980s Photo = Billy .

Thor In His Bus Doorway . Sussex Site 1992
Reg ? Bella Vega ?..
Seen 1992 Sussex . Snapped by Wayne after he'd spent a few days on site with folks . Photo = Wayne Tippet .

(Petrol Bus) Dave Attaching His Bus .. 1986
URU980 2448 (1957) Bedford SB3 . Plaxton Consort III C41F. Ex-Excelsior . Bournmouth .
Seen 1986 Hants. Dave was trying to get to Minstead .. & needed help from a Land Rover to complete his journey ! Photo = Peter Gardner .

Graham Wagon Building
Working On A Trolley Base .
Seen ? photo = Alix .

Stronty Dog Mark BBC Doc. 1992
Driving MVO971E (1967) Shelvoke & Drewry . Ex-Dustcart .
Seen 1992 The year Elvis banned Travellers from Glastonbury , so folks were filmed driving around southern UK ! Photo = BBC

Slim At The Wheel Of His Ford R192 . BBC Doc.1992
XKN158J (1971) Ford R192 . Plaxton Panorama C45F. Ex-Felicita . Bredhurst
Seen 1992 Eavis had refused Travellers entry to Glastonbury that year so the BBC followed a group , including Slim , around southern UK ! Photo = BBC

Mark Juggling On Matt's Roof . Torpedo Town 1987
Mark , Matt & Nik . Ford R Series .
Seen 1987 Hants. Photo = Mark

Bill Sat On Stoff's Tailgate
Bill .
Seen .. Last time I saw him was c1997 at La Cremerie squat in Toulouse . Photo = Ati.

Geezer Rae & His Home & Andy Bratt c1990
Q295YRX VAC640 (1956) AEC Reliance MU3RV . Duple Britannia C43F. Ex-Lloyd . Nuneaton .
Seen .. Photo = Kait