Bedford TK Furniture & Removals Co. Pantechnicons

Wango Riley's Pantechnicon . Enstone Airfield 1990
XYX891T (1978) Bedford TK Pantechnicon .
Seen 15.10.90 Oxon . By this time Scouse & Marge had separated and so Marge was slumming it in the small space of the TK's luton ! Sadly the rig was later burnt out in Europe when with its next owners . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Critter & Rachels Pantechnicon At Barnstone 1991
NLP91P (1975) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 24.4.91 Barnstone Railway Site . Notts . This had been bought from Punky Johnny , later taken to Portugal where it decayed . I think the box was re-used by someone ? . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Neil & Claire's TK Pantechnicon . Rats Run 1991
UTB774S (1977) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Richmond Removals Co.
Seen 23.6.91 Longstock . Hants . Neil & Claire's , they later painted it matt black & seen in France 1995 . Now repainted by Banksy & owned by Cookie . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dave's Pantechnicon At Mallerstang Festival 1991
UTC550H (1969) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Lancashire Police 10 Horse Box .
Seen 2.9.91 Kirkby Steven . Cumbria . Dave was involved with organising local raves with this rig . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Goldstar At Clifton Hall Site 1992
Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Goldstar Removals Co.
Seen 2.3.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs . Reg & owners details withheld by owner's request ... Scrapped in 2000 when owned by someone else . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Gareth's VanPlan Pantechnicon . Charity Farm 1992
GEK250N (1974) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Fox The Mover Co. Cwmbran .
Seen 7.6.92 Breedon . Leics. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Showman's TK At Caldecote Steam Rally 1992
JYH489K (1969) Bedford TK . Ex-Removal Co. - Showman's .
Seen 8.92 Leics. Later bought by Jake c1993 , then sold to Sam & finally used by Bev & Phil & painted green & red . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Critter Hitching Austin Taxi To Pantechnicon 1994
AHV733T (1978) Austin Taxi . NLJ91P (1975) Bedford . Marsden Pantechnicon . Pantechnicon .
Seen 7.10.94 Faucon (26) Drome . France . This wasn't successful as the tow bar was too short , so he took the taxi's wings off = still no good , then it started to bend the rear cross member on his chassis = so I took over & towed it to their house in central Portugal ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Laura & Austin's TK . Espinal , Portugal 1995
TTR240T (1978) Bedford TK . Ex-Furniture Lorry .
Seen 7.1.95 Espinhal . Portugal . Laura & Austin were visiting Critter & Rachel so their sprogs Joe & Bella could play with Robbie & Glen . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Neil & Claire's Pantechnicon At Belfort 1995
UTB774S (1977) Bedford . Vanplan Pantechnicon . Ex-Richmond Removals Co.
Seen 6.9.95 Belfort Festival (90) Belfort . France . One of the UK contingent squatting the camp-site . Later sold to Cookie & still at hers in Spain . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Kev & Alis's Pantechnicon . Eurokeennes 1995
RED232M (1973) Bedford TK . Vanplan ? Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 8.7.95 (90) Belfort . France . Now long since static on a Suffolk site & was painted burgundy & then green . Previously owned by Hawkwind . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Black & Silver TK At Stonehenge Solstice 2006
VLY229S (1977) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2006 Stonehenge . Wilts. Whose ? Photo = Samsimillia .

Bev & Fay's TK's In Sussex 2000
JYH489K (1972) Bedford TK Removals Co. & KUL614K (1972) Bedford TK . Ex-John Hall & Son's Croydon .
Seen 2000 Sussex . Bev's had earlier been owned by Sam & originally bought from a Midland's Showman by Jake . Photo = Sarah Wynne .

Total Resistance's Bar At Belfort Festival 1996
WRA75X (1981) Bedford - Marsden . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals .
Seen 8.7.96 Belfort Festival (90) Belfort . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tina's Ex-Footsbarn Pantechnicon At Le Fosset 1997
DUR656T (1978) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Furniture Co.
Seen 23.11.97 Lavescout . Le Fossat (09) Ariege . France . Tina had at one time been the lighting operator for the Footsbarn Theatre Company . But her truck had long been put out to grass ...Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Chris & Nina's VanPlan At Larzac Festival 2003
OPJ823R (1976) Bedford TK500 . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Ablemove Co.
Seen 11.8.03 Aveyron (12). France . A late arrival so able to park on the verge near the site . Later painted blue & white in the UK , then green when owned by Rae , who failed to find a buyer for it in 2012 so left it with the farmer whose land it had been stored on . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Paul & Miranda's Pantechnicon.Mons La Trivalle'97
HEK955V (1979) Bedford . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Furniture Co.
Seen 20.6.97 (34) Herault . France . Unfortunately due to their plans for building a house going pear shaped the truck was later abandoned to the mice in S. France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Paul & Miranda's Pantechnicon.Mons La Trivalle'97
HEK955V (1979) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 20.6.97 (34) Herault . France . Paul & Miranda were here with their 3 kids inc. Zak & Terry for the cherry season . Later lunched out on land they'd bought to build a house on . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Sam's Pantechnicon At Strawberry Fayre 2008
LED68W (1980) Bedford TK860 . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 6.08 Cambridge . Removals van , then horse box before being converted to living accommodation & transports material for Medley productions as well . photo = Richard Haughey .

Alis & Her Pantechnicon At Rendelsham Site 2009
RED232M (1973) Bedford TK . VanPlan . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 18.3.09 Suffolk . At one time this had served as Hawkwind's touring & sleeping accommodation . Photo = Leo .

Bev's TK In Suffolk 2000
JHY489R (1976) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2000 Suffolk . Later painted green . Photo = Bev Todd .

Boalloy Bodied TK Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Truck
A911JJA (1983) Bedford TK . Boalloy . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? . Photo = Stardust .

Muff & Angie's Fenced In TK !
(1976) Bedford TK 500 .
Seen 2009 Leics. This is the result of the neighbouring estate deciding to fence off the lane . Later evicted in 2011 & obliged to become house-drawn ..Photo Angie .

Croissant Neuf's TK Pantechnicon Being Painted
BVU460T (1978) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Looks like the truck , or at least its trailer were being given the C.N. Logo when Tash took this shot ?

TK Pantechnicon Rear End
HEK995V (1979) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Whose ? Photo = Tony .

Amy's Bedford BBC Laundrette 2010
OLR150W (1980) Bedford TK 500 . Ex-BBC Outside Broadcast Unit Laundrette !
Seen 2010 Cardigan . Wales . Sold to a new owner in 2012 . Photo = Amy .

Amy's Bedford TK Mobile Laundrette 2009
OLR150W (1980) Bedford Tk500 . Ex-BBC Outside Broadcasting Unit's Laundrette !
Seen 2009 Cardigan . Wales . Amy hadn't used her TK for a few years so sold it in 2012 . Photo = Amy .

James & Loll's Ex-Formby's Pantechnicon TK
NTB535W (1981) Bedford TK Pantechnicon . Ex-Formby Removals Co.
Seen ? This used to be painted red with Formby's Logo visible . Photo = Ruth .

Inside Pasquale's Green Ex-Removal's TK . 2010
612LUG (1979) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2010 . She sold it to Steve in 2011 , who then sold it to Rod in 2017 . Photo = Pasquale .

Pasquale's Green Ex-Removals Co. TK . 2010
612LUG (1979) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2010 . She sold it to Steve in 2011 , who then sold it to Rod in 2017 . Photo = Pasquale .

Lutoned TK .
JOR259P (1975) Bedford TK .
Seen ? Photo = Gary Conway .

Ex-Inflatable State's Ex-Removals TK
X.W5.0T (1978) Bedford TK . Ex-Inflatable State Bouncy Castle Co.
Seen ? Photo = Gary Conway .

Wally's Ex-Removals TK At Glastonbury Festival
GOT343N (1974) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . Photo = Gary Conway .

Mark'sTK Pantechnicon
reg? Bedford TK . Pantechnicon .
Seen ? . Photo = Mark Childs .

TK Pantechnicon
617TKM Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? whose ? Photo = Ethen .

Bill & Nosh's Puppet Theatre TK In Spain
reg? Bedford TK .
Seen ? Photo = Chris

Pasquale's TK At Milton Abbas Site 2009
612LUG (1979) Bedford TK . Ex-Removal Co.
Seen 2009 Dorset . Sold to Steve in 2011 , who sold it to Rod in 2017 , by which time the cab needed some welding . Photo = Pasquale

TK Pantechnicon
KEP687P (1975) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? whose ? photo = Ange .

Angie & Muffin's Old TK
reg? (1978) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Sadly weighed in when their last park-up got evicted . Photo = Jaine

Danny's Black & White TK . In Berlin 1994
reg? Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 1994 Berlin . Later weighed in on the East Berlin Wall site . Photo = Dt Steave .

TK . Grey & White Ex-Removals Co.
DOM9... Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co. Pantechnicon .
Seen ? whose ? photo = Tony Thompson .

Mark' Green Lutoned TK On Site .
CPD437Y (1983) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? photo = Lee

Dave's White TK Pantechnicon
JYR788N (1974) Bedford TK Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Owned by Dave for 6 years before being sold to Nick , then to someone at the Rainbow Center . Photo = Dave .

TK With Lutoned Ali Box At Glastonbury Festival
SWS74.. Bedford TK .
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . Whose ? photo = Gary Conway .

Harvey's Rig On Brighton Racecourse Site
reg? Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Brighton . Photo = Cal .

Lutoned TK & Awning
CWV623L (1973) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Whose ? Photo = Gary Conway .

Rae's Green Bedford TK 500 Pantechnicon 2012
OPJ823R (1976) Bedford TK 500 . Vanplan Pantechnicon . Ex-Able Move Removals Co.
Seen 5.12 nr Abergavenny . I'd seen this in Able Move's colours in France in 2003 when owned by Chris & Nina , who later painted it Blue & white . Rae tried to sell it in 2012 but ended up leaving it to the farmer whose land it had been stored on . Photo = Rae .

Steve's Green Ex-Removal Co's TK 2011
612LUG (1979) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2011 . He'd Bought it from Pasquale , then sold it to Rod in 2017 , by which time the cab was in need of tlc. Photo = Steve .

Gary's TK VanPlan Pantechnicon Needing A Tow !
LJP715P (1975) Bedford TK . VanPlan . Ex-Evan Cook Removals Co.
Seen ? Unimog comes to the rescue ! Later painted blue & by 2017 with someone else on a site in Dorset . Photo = Gary Conway .

Blue VanPlan Ex-Removals Truck At Glastonbury
RTO552R (1976) Bedford TK . VanPlan . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . Whose ? Photo = Gary Conway .

Dave's White Pantechnicon
JYR788N (1974) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Dave lived in this for about 6 years , then sold it to Nick , who resold it to someone in the Rainbow Center . Photo = Dave

Ex-Abracadabra Removals Co TK
UBV970X (1981) Bedford TK . Ex-Abracadabra Removals Co.
Seen ? Whose ? Photo = Gary Conway

Ex-Abracadabra Removals Co. TK & Twin Axle Trailer
UBV970X (1981) Bedford TK . Ex-Abracadabra Removals Co.
Seen ? Whose ? The previous owners company name can still be seen under the new paint-job . Photo = Gary Conway

Mark's Green Lutoned TK At Wet Green Gathering
CPD487Y (1982) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Photo = Gary Conway

Woodcarver's Family Home
PGN203L (1972) Bedford TK .
Seen ? H. Thomas & Family . Photo = Gary Conway

Ex-Aardvark Removals TK At Railway Centre Site
LBJ23V (1979) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Railway Museum . Whose ? photo = Gary Conway .

TK Boalloy Pantechnicon Parked Up
HNF487N (1974) Bedford TK . Boalloy Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Whose ? Photo = Gary Conway

Family's Burgundy TK Pantechnicon
A817GPV (1983) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-R. Open & Applebys Removals Co.
Seen ? Photo = Gary Conway .

Burgundy Pantechnicon Arriving At A Festival
A817GPV (1983) Bedford TK Pantechnicon . Ex-R. Open & Applebys Removals Co.
Seen ? Photo = Gary Conway

Croissant Neuf's Marsden Pantechnicon
BVU460T (1978) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Photo = Andy

Dawn's White Marsden Pantechnicon At Festival
UFL406S (1977) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Dawn sold it in 2012 , now used by Luc & Mo and called 'Rita'. Photo = Gary Conway .

Dawn's Rear End At A Festival
UFL406S (1977) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Sold by Dawn in 2012 . Photo = Gary Conway .

Black Ex-International Removals TK Going Nowhere
VED746J (1970) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Whose ? photo = Gary Conway .

Sam & Family Leaving A Festival With FC Landrover
LED68W (1980) Bedford TK860 . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co. 172X Landrover FC . Ex-MOD
Seen 2007 ? Seen before Sam changed the side window layout . It had been a horse box as well before he bought it . Photo = Gary Conway .

Blue TK VanPlan Pantechnicon At Stonehenge
C963TLF (1985) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Wilts. Whose ? . By 2017 it was static & looking rough . photo = Gary Conway .

Red TK Marsden Pantechnicon At Glastonbury
C554RTJ(?) (1985) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . Whose ? photo = Gary Conway .

Red TK VanPlan Ex-Removals Truck At A Festival
C652EMT (1985) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Whose ? Photo = Gary Conway .

Gary's Blue TK VanPlan Ex-Removals Truck
LJP715P (1975) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Evan Cook Removals Co.
Seen ? By 2014 it was with another Traveller & parked on a site in Dorset . photo = Gary Conway .

Anthony's Blue Marsden On A Somerset Verge
FNE120V (1979) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Somerset . Photo = Gary Conway .

Chris & Nina's Blue & White VanPlan Pantechnicon
OPJ823R (1976) Bedford TK500 . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Able Move Removals Co.
Seen ? This had still been in Able's colours when I'd seen it in France in 2003 . Later owned by Rae & painted green , she failed to find a buyer for it in 2012 so left it with the farmer whose land she was storing it on . Photo = Gary Conway .

Pantechnicon Being Towed Off A Festival By Unimog
LJP715P (1975) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Evan Cook Removals Co.
Seen ? Owned by Gary when painted blue , but not sure if it was his here ? By 2017 it'd become static at a site in Dorset . Photo = Gary Conway

Cookie's VanPlan Pantechnicon At Glastonbury
UTB774S (1977) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Richmond Removals Co.
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . Cookie still has her old rig painted by Banksy parked up at her land in Spain . Previously owned by Neil & Claire who'd painted it matt black to cover up Richmond's yellow colour scheme . Photo = Gary Conway

Cookie's VanPlan Pantechnicon At Stonehenge
UTB774S (1977) Bedford TK. VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Richmond Removals Co.
Seen ? Wilts. Previously owned by Neil & Claire . Painted by Banksy & now sat unused outside her Spanish home . Photo = Gary Conway

Ceridwen's Marsden Pantechnicon At Glastonbury
KJO570G (1969) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Horse Box .
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . By 2016 it was sat decaying in Wales . Photo = Gary Conway

Lutoned TK With Rough Cab
AAA850J (1970) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Photo = Bob .

Tatty Blue VanPlan Pantechnicon . 2013
C963TLF (1985) Bedford TK . VanPlan . Ex-Briges Removals Co.
Seen 2013 . Photo = Gary Conway .

Bev's Green Ex-Removals Co. TK
JYH489K (1972) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Bought from a Midland's showman in 1993 by Jake , then sold to Sam , here it was lived in by by Bev . Later by Phil & Chemical Ali . Photo = Bev .

Steve & Dawn's White TK Pantechnicon At Hebden
AWU703S (1977) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Furniture Co.
Seen ? Yorks. In the 1990's it had been owned by Ben & called 'Hotchi Witchi' , he sold it to Jim & Mig , then lived in by Steve & Dawn , followed by Paul & finally with Charlotte with whom it burnt out at the Asda site in Corby . Photo = Mark .

Frit's TK Pantechnicon Before He Rebuilt It .
WNE782L (1973) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? . Photo = Frit .

Frit's TK Rebuilt Pantechnicon On Site
WNE782L (1973) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? The high rear door was so there was plenty of tat storage space ! Photo = Frit .

Kev & Alis's Pantechnicon Repainted 2013
RED232M (1973) Bedford . VanPlan . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2013 Suffolk . Previously used by Hawkwind . It had managed to move a few feet , but will need more work to get it back into a roadworthy condition ! Photo = Alis .

Rear End Of A TK Pantechnicon
E496JPH (1988) Bedford TK Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Photo = Gary Conway .

Rear Of Faye's TK Pantechnicon Cornwall c1993
KUL614K (1971) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-John Hall & Sons . Croydon .
Seen 1993 Cornwall . Photo = Sarah .

Faye & Bev's Matching Pantechnicons Sussex 2000
KUL614K (1971) Bedford TK . Ex-John Hall & Sons. Croydon / JYH489K (1971) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2000 Sussex . Bev's had been bought out of fairground service by Jake in 1993 , then sold to Sam prior to Bev & Phil living in it . Photo = Sarah

James & Loll's Pantechnicon At Castlemorton 1992
NTB535W (1981) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Formby Removals Co.
Seen 1992 Worcs. Later they painted it plain green . Photo = Niall .

Gyp & Suzie's TK . Norwich From Stonehenge 1983
reg? Bedford TK . Pantechnicon .
Seen 1983 . Photo = Janet

Pasquale's Punch Selling Green TK At Orgiva
612LUG (1979) Bedford TK Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Spain . Probably owned by Pasquale here ? , she later sold it to Steve & in 2017 bought by Rod . photo = Freeteknomad

Colseys Pantechneon . Braypool 1997
VED746J (1970) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removal's Co.
Seen 1997 Braypool . There's a later photo of this truck taken by Gary in this section , showing it minus headlights & tatty . Photo = Stu .

TK Pantechnicon In A UK Winter
reg ? Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Photo = Jewels .

Cookie's Pantechnicon Home When Visting Bristol
UTB774S (1977) Bedford TK . VanPlan . Pantechnicon . Ex-Richmond Removals .
Seen ? Bristol . Previously owned by Neil & Claire when still in Richmond's coulours , they painted it matt black & Cookie got Banksy to redecorate it . Photo = Matthew .

Convereted Pantechnicon In South London 2014
JYR787N (1974) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2014 London . photo = Edwin .

Jim's Pantechnicon At Abergale Castle
reg? Bedford ? TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? Wales . Later sold to Ceri . Photo = Jim .

Gareth's TK Pantechnicon
reg? Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen ? photo = Gareth .

Luc & Mo's Marsden Pantechnicon 'Rita' 2013
UFL406S (1977) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co
Seen 2013 . They'd bought it from Dawn in 2012 . Photo = Luc .

Laura & Austin's Ex-Furniture Lorry In Spain 1994
TTR240T (1978) Bedford TK . Ex-Furniture Co.
Seen 1994 Spain . Photo = Soren .

Laura & Austin's Ex-Furniture Lorry In Spain 1994
TTR240T (1978) Bedford TK . Ex-Furniture Lorry.
Seen 1994 Spain . The rear of their home had been painted by Bes . Photo = Soren .

Natalie's Marsden Ex-Removals Pantechnicon 2014
FEL927V (1979) Bedford TK . Marsden . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 2014 It looks as if her home was last used to transport a Marenghi Fairground Organ ? In 2017 it was bough by 'Fresa' Photo = Natalie .

Steve & Dawn Or Paul's ? Pantechnicon On site
AWU703S (1977) Bedford TK Pantechnicon . Ex-Furniture Co.
Seen ? When owned by Ben it was called 'Hitch Witchi' , he sold it to Jim & Mig , then lived in by Steve & Dawn & followed by Paul's family & finally burnt out at the Asda site in Corby when with Charlotte . Photo - Jay .

Pantechncion Decaying At El Moreon . 2011
reg? Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Goddard's Removals Co.
Seen 2011 Spain . Photo = Sam .

Natalie's Marsden Pantechnicon TK . 2016
FEL927V (1979) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon .
Seen 2016 Sold to 'Fresa' in 2017 . Photo = Natalie

Ex-Removal's Rig On A UK Site
GNA290V (1980) Bedford TK . Ex-Martoll's Removals Co.
Seen ? Photo = Jay

Cookie's TK VanPlan Pantechnicon At Orgiva .
UTB774S (1977) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Richmond Removals Co.
Seen ? Spain . Banksy paint-job . Previously owned by Neil & Claire . Photo = Sorrel

Cookie's VanPlan Pantechnicon At Orgiva .
UTB774S (1977) Bedford TK . VanPlan Pantechnicon . Ex-Richmond Removals Co.
Seen ? Spain . Previously owned by Neil & Claire when still in Richmond's colour scheme , then matt black . Cookie got Banksy to repaint it . photo = Sorrel

Ceridwen's Old Marsden Decaying In Wales 2016
KJO570G (1969) Bedford TK . Marsden . Ex-Removals Co.-Horse Box .
Seen 2016 Wales . Another photo in this section shows it when still on the road . Photo = Mark

Ex-Inflatable State's Lutoned TK
X.W5.0T (1978) Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co . Inflatable State , Bouncy Castle Co.
Seen ? Photo = Jay

Lutoned Blue TK
reg? Bedford TK .
Seen ? Photo = Conor

TK ? Pantechnicon
reg? Bedford ? Pantechnicon .
Seen ? photo = Karl

Blue VanPlan Going Back To Nature . Dorset 2017
LJP715P (1976) Bedford TK . VanPlan . Ex-Evan Cook Removals Co.
Seen 2017 Dorset . Previously owned by Gary . Photo = Gary Conway

Rear Of James & Loll's Ex-Formby's Pantechnicon TK
NTB535W (1981) Bedford TK Pantechnicon . Ex-Formby Removals Co.
Seen 1990's . They'd painted over Formby's red & white colour scheme . Photo = Jules

Coachlined Cab & Red Boxed TK . Dreadzone Festival
reg. Bedford TK . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen .. Norwich . Photo = Jules

Gyp & Suzie's TK At A Welsh Festival 1984
Reg ? Bedford TK .
Seen 1984 Wales . Photo = Bob

Alan & Angelina's ' Supertramp' Pantechnicon 1980s
TYT434F (1968) Bedford TK . ex-Removals Co.
Seen 1980s Supertramp Trampolines . Photo = Alan

'Circus Bongs' Stage At Glastonbury 1989
XYX891T (1978) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 1989 Pilton . Somerset . Renamed 'Wango Rileys' by 1990 . Photo = Matthew Smith