Albion Buses & Double Decker

Ex-Guernsey Railway Co Bus-Recovery Unit.Winkleigh
RFO375 T165 6436 (1949) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway 36 .
Seen ? Winkleigh . Devon . Converted in 1974 by the Guernsey bus company into a recovery vehicle by cutting a 4' section out of the chassis ! Later imported into England in 1980 & then passed into Traveller's ownership before ending up being stored for years at Colin Shear's bus collection at Winkleigh airfield , from where Richard Hart rescued it & restored it to PSV condition . photo = Adrian .

George's Nimbus Vegetating In Kersey . 2014
649BTF (1956) Albion MR9N . Willowbrook B31F. Ex-Albion Motors . Scotstoun .
Seen 2014 Suffolk . Now sat in Loui's barn in 2019 . Photo = John Wakefield .

Ex-Guernsey Motors 66 At Glastonbury 1984
JPA86V 842FUF 6768 (1955) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver FB35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 66
Seen 1984 Pilton . Somerset . Imported into the UK in 1980 for Noel Marshall by Peter Davies . Not sure who made it into a home ? The remains are now stored by Ron Greet . Photo = Dave Trippas .

Annie's Nimbus At Woodingdean Site 1998
ABV665A 335KPL (1959) Albion NS3AN . Willowbrook B31F. Ex-Brown Motor Services (A.T. Brady). Forest Green .
Seen 1998 Woodingdean . Originally fitted out by Joe of 'Joe's Garage' , then used by Annie , Rob The Didge & finally Charlotte who gave it a smart red paint-job before selling it to Walter's Coaches , Oxford in 2013 as a long term 'restoration' project . photo = Stu .

Lowlander Looking Sad ..
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Cunnock (Western SMT) CN1780 .
Seen ? Later bought by Dianne & Gary , then used by Perry Hazzard & now used painted red at his vintage camping in southern France . Photo = Christopher Leach .

Cookie's Victor FT39KAN . Repainted 2013
8231 HFO742 (1958) Albion FT39KAN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway 62 .
Seen 2013 After buying the bus from Kev , Cookie's given it a total overhaul inside & out . Photo = Cookie

Smush's Albion Firefly . French Pyrenees 1985
ADJ494B (1964) Albion VT21L . Duple (Northern) Firefly C41F. Ex-St. Helens Co-Op . Goose Green .
Seen 1985 France . Part of the TUMT . Showing how the rear end had been transformed into a terrace with a door into the bus . Parked in winter snow next to 342EDV Dianne's Bristol SUL4A . Sadly burnt out by the Guardia (un)Civil in Spain in 1986 .Photo = Janet .

Smush's Albion Firefly At Stonehenge 1983
ADJ494B (1964) Albion VT21L . Duple (Northern) Firefly C41F. Ex-St.Helens Co-Op . Goose Green .
Seen 1983 Wilts. Part of the TUMT who went around Europe in 1984-5 after being part of the Stonehenge & UK Festival scene . Sadly this colourful bus was burnt out by the Guardia (un)Civil in 1986 . Photo = Janet .

Paul & Cherith's Ex-Hospital Bus . Cornwall 1992
UHW343 (1955) Albion FT39AL . Heaver B35F. Ex-Glenside Hospital . Stapleton . Bristol .
Seen 1992 Cornwall . For some reason they'd rebuilt the front panels . Sold to Christopher , who gave it to his daughter Nathalie & Aidan . But it ended up in Drew's scrapyard with rear end damage after a site move when Aidan was banned . Later a collector removed the body & added a Reiver cab & sold it on greedbay in 2011 , stolen , sold & eventually 1st buyer recovered it & now has a fake Tesco's box . Photo = Jaine .

Adam's Old Bus In Aberdeenshire Paper 1996
732 OFF605 (1949) Albion Victor FT39AB . Reading B36F. Ex-Watson . St.Martin 22 .
Seen 30.5.96 ? Sold to another Traveller by this time . Said to have survived as a chassis cab in Scotland after being shunted from the rear .

Perry Hazzard's Lowlander LR1 In France c1986
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Cunnock (Western SMT) CN1780 .
Seen 1986? France . Perry & the rest of Hazzard Circus troupe had left the UK for Europe . By 2014 the decker was painted SMT red & used in his retro camp-site in the Ariege (09) .

Ex-Guernsey Railway Co Bus-Tow Truck At Winkleigh
RFO375 T165 6436 (1949) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway Co.36 .
Seen 10.90 Winkleigh Airfield . Devon . Converted by Guernsey Bus Co into tow-bus in 1974 , which involved cutting out 4' of chassis & acquiring the T165 trade plate . Then imported into UK in 1980 & passed into Traveller's ownership for a while before ending up stored empty & engine-less on the airfield . Later restored by Richard Hart . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Interior Of Annie's Old Bus with Nick In 2011
JPA85V 6442 (1954) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex- Guernsey Motors 52 .
Seen 2011 Shropshire . originally imported by Peter Davis in 1980 , converted by Adrian , later lived in by Boysie , Annie & Nick , then stored & bought by Nick empty in an auction. Sold to Cookie as a chassis cab in 2015 . Photo = Nick .

Laura's Ex-SPCX19W In Beith Bus Museum 2010
MRO343H MO2004 EZJ921 (1948) Albion SPCX19W . Commonwealth Engineering H/R. Ex-N.S.W. Australia .
Seen 2010 Beith . Scotland . At one time lived in by Laura , who'd replaced the roof . Then by 2008 was stored at Winkleigh . Beith museum closed and the bus was re-bought by Andy Stewart for the return overland journey to Australia , but ended up going by boat. Photo = Peter McCann .

Paul & Cherith's Ex-Hospital FT39AL . c 1991
UHW343 (1955) Albion FT39AL . Heaver B35F. Ex-Glenside Hospital . Stapelton . Bristol .
Seen c1991 . Later sold to Christopher , who passed it onto his daughter Nathalie & Aidan , but ended up in Drew's Cornish scrapyard with rear end damage after a site move when Aidan was banned & its driver slipped 2nd gear . Then a collector fitted a 1950's Riever cab , sold it on greedbay in 2011 , got stolen , resold but 1st buyer recovered it . Now with a box in Tesco's livery .

Laura's Decker Ready To Leave Battersea Site
MRO343H MO2004 EZJ921 (1948) Albion SPCX19W . Commonwealth Engineering . Ex-NSW Austrailia .
Seen ? Battersea . This decker had already had a few adventures being used by a group of Australians in the 1960's to travel to the uk . After being stored at Winkleigh in 2008 , it moved to Beith bus museum that closed & by 2012 Andy Stewart was planning to return it overland to Australia , but it went by boat in the end . Photo = Tamsin .

Albion Victor When With Nick 2012
JPA85V 6442 (1954) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F . Ex-Guernsey Railway 52 .
Seen 6.12 Shropshire . Originally imported from Guernsey in 1980 by Peter Davis . 1st lived in by Adrian , then Boysie & Annie (who sold it in 1993 when she moved to Europe ). It re-emerged at an auction in 2007 minus any interior & bought by Nick , who stored it until Cookie bought it as a chassis cab in 2015 due to the Heaver body being rotten . Now with Dai , a collector . Photo = Nick

Cath & Paul's NS3AN at Glastonbury Festival . 2011
LSV201 10488 (1961) Albion NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway Co. 165 .
Seen 6.11 Pilton . Somerset . Good to see the bus getting out & about , now repainted red & used as a curry bus . Photo = Gary Conway .

No.57 Ringed As JPA85V !!
2616 (1956) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway Co.57 .
Seen ? This had been bought by Pat from J.C. Young's Guernsey bus collection , then towed to an Oxford site in early 1992 .. seen on A46 site in Carlos's hands ringed .. Now being restored in TDC Bodyshop at Lydney in 2012 . Photo = ?

The Remains Of 66 . 2016
JPA86V 842FUF 6768 (1955) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver FB35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 66 .
Seen 2016 Photo = Cookie

No.66 At A Welsh Festival 1984
JPA86V 842FUF 6768 (1955) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver FB35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 66 .
Seen 1984 Wales .. Originally imported into the UK in 1980 for Noel Marshall by Peter Davies . Not sure who made it into a home & have only seen festival photos of it for 1984 .. The remains are now stored by Ron Greet . Photo = Bob

Cookie & His Reading Bodied FT39KAN . 2019
8231 HFO742 (1958) Albion FT39KAN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway 62 .
Seen 2019 . Previously owned by Kev , Cookie gave it an internal & external revamp . Photo = Jessica

Perry's Lowlander . Retro Camping France 2018
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Cunnock (Western SMT) CN1780 .
Seen 2018 France . After being used in the 1980's & 90's as part of the Travelling Hazzard Circus in the UK & Europe , its now in its SMT colour as part of Perry's Airstream campsite . Photo = Doug

Perry Hazzard & Lowlander & Circus Trailer
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Cunnock (Western SMT) CN1780 .
Seen .. used by Perry as part of Hazzard Circus in the UK & Europe . Now painted SMT red & part of his retro-campsite in southern France . Photo = Rikki

Kev's Nimbus . 2018
12725 (1963) Albion NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 93 .
Seen 2018 . photo = Carl

Nathalie & Aiden's F39AL At Aberystwyth 1993
UHW343 (1955) Albion Victor FT39AL . Heaver B35F. Ex-Glenside Hospital . Stapleton . Bristol .
Seen 1993 Wales . Originally converted by Paul & Cherith , who sold it to Christopher , Nathalie's dad . It later sat in Drew's Cornish scrapyard for years after rolling backwards into a garden wall during a site move . 'Rescued' by a collector & given a 1950's Reiver cab & box with fake Tesco's livery . Photo =Vintage Roadscene Magazine

Reading Bodied Victor In Scotland 199...
732 OFF605 (1949) Albion Victor FT39AB . Reading B36F. Ex-Watson's Garage . Guernsey 22 .
Seen 1990's Scotland . Until 1994.. this had been owned by Adam & Lee , not sure who owned it here ?

The Remains Of 66 . 2016
JPA86V 842FUF 6768 (1955) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver FB35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 66 .
Seen 2016 Photo = Cookie

Kev's Bus in 1993
12725 (1963) Albion NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 93 .
Seen 1993 . Photo = Taff .

Boysie & Annie At Rollright Stones 1987
JPA85V 6442 (1954) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 52 .
Seen 1987 Oxon . Originally imported from Guernsey in 1980 by Peter Davis . 1st converted by Adrian , then used by Boysie , then Annie , who sold it in 1993 when she moved to Europe . It re-emerged after an auction in 2007 minus interior & bought by Nick , who stored it until Cookie bought it as a chassis cab in 2015 due to the bodywork being rotten . Photo = Roger

Paul & Cath's Curry Bus In Storage 2016
LSV201 10488 (1961) Albion NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway Co. 165 .
Seen 2016 . Sat unused for the time being .. Photo = Paul

Cookie Arriving At Glastonbury Festival 2016
8231 HFO742 (1958) Albion FT39KAN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway 62 .
Seen 2016 Pilton . Somerset . After buying the bus from Kev , he gave it a total overhaul inside & out . Photo = Gary Conway

Paul & Cath's Curry Nimbus .
LSV201 / 10488 (1961) Albion NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway Co. 165 .
Seen ? Photo = Steve

Nathalie & Aidan's Ex-Hospital Bus . Cornwall
UHW343 (1955) Albion FT39AL . Heaver B35F. Ex-Glenside Hospital . Stapleton . Bristol .
Seen ? Cornwall . Originally converted by Paul & Cherith , who sold it to Christopher , Nathalie's dad . Then sat Drew's scrapyard for years after rolling back into a garden wall during a site move . Given a 1950's Reiver cab & now has a fake box in Tesco's livery . Photo = Ruth

Cookie's FT39AN No.52 . 2015
JPA85V 6442 (1954) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F . Ex-Guernsey Railway 52 .
Seen 2015 . Originally imported from Guernsey in 1980 by Peter Davis & painted green . Converted by Adrian , later used by Boysie , then Annie & Nick . Stored when they left the UK in mid 1990's, bought by Nick in Shropshire as an empty shell , stood covered in a tarpaulin for too long , so Cookie was obliged to remove its rotten Heaver body . Sold to Dai a collector in 2017 . Photo = Cookie .

Perry Hazzard's Lowlander LR1 In France c1986
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Cunnock (Western SMT) CN1780 .
Seen 1986 France . The near-side of Perry's decker was given a florescent paint-job by Bes at the 1995 Arvigna festival . Currently in SMT red as part of his retro-camping in the Ariege (09) .

Perry Hazzard's Lowlander LR1 In France c1986
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Cunnock (Western SMT) CN1780 .
Seen 1986 France . This side was repainted by Bes at the Foire Extraordianire festival in 1995 . Currently all-over red as part of Perry's retro-camping in the Areige (09) .

Joe's Garage's Nimbus At Strawberry Fayre 1993
ABV665A 335KPL (1959) Albion Nimbus NS3AN . Willowbrook B31F. Ex-Brown Motor Services (A.T. Brady). Forest Green . Surrey .
Seen 5.6.93 Cambridge . Mid-mount EN250 engined bus . Joe's 'Garage' carried out conversions for straights and Travellers . Later owned by Annie , then Rob The Didge & finally Charlotte who painted it red before selling it to Walters Coaches , Oxford in 2014 as a long term 'restoration' project . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Cherith & Paul's Albion Victor , Cornwall 1992
UHW343 (1955) Albion Victor FT39AL . Heaver B35F. Ex-Glenside Hospital . Stapleton . Bristol .
Seen 1992 Cornwall . Seen here with a for sale notice & bought by Christopher , who gave it to his daughter Nathalie & Aidan . Ending up in a Cornish scrapyard after rolling back into a garden wall during a site move . Now has a 1950's Reiver cab & fake box in Tesco's livery . Photo = Stuart Macrae .

Paul & Cherith's Ex-Hospital Bus Littledale 1991
UHW343 (1955) Albion Victor FT39AL . Heaver B35F. Ex-Glenside Hospital . Stapleton . Bristol .
Seen 1991 . Littledale . Lancs . For some reason they rebuilt the front panels at one stage . Later owned by Christopher , who gave it to his daughter Nathalie & Aidan to celebrate his 1st grandson . Sadly it ended its travelling days in Drew's scrapyard , United Downs , Cornwall , after rolling back into a garden wall whilst being moved by an impatient driver . Later reappearing as a flat-bed & 1950's Riever cab , sold on greedbay in 2011 but was stolen , bought from thief by someone else & lots of hassle for 1st buyer to get it back . Eventually made into a fake Tesco's box-van . Photo = Stuart Macrae .

Rag's ex-home at Eastbourne Auction House ' 08
TFO249 JPA84V 8228 (1958) Albion FT29KAN . Reading B35F . Ex-Guernsey Railway 78 .
Seen 5.08 Eastbourne Auction Rooms . Eastbourne . This bus has been left rotting for over 6 years now by its current owner !! Photo = Martin Willits .

Rag's Ex-Guernsey Victor . Oxfordshire 1992
TFO249 JPA84V 8228 (1958) Albion Victor FT39KAN . Reading B35F . Ex-Guernsey Railway 78 .
Seen 1992 Oxon . Rags later sold it to Eastbourne Auction House , where it sat rotting until returned to Guernsey in 2014 . Photo = Sue Collins .

Dominic's FT39AN at Cholsey 1991
4076 Q147OST RFO829 (1957) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F . Ex-Guernsey Railway Co. 75 .
Seen 1991 . Chosley . After taking the bus around Europe in 1995 it was sold to Claire , then Luke . Before ending up with the Twelve Tribes Group & then emigrated to Belgium in 2009 to be used as a hospitality unit . Photo = Sue Collins .

Laura's Venturer At Pode Hall . Spalding 1993
MRO343H MO2004 EZJ921 (1948) Albion Venturer SPCX19W . Commonwealth Engineering H/R. Ex-N.S.W . Australia .
Seen 9.6.93 Lincs. Laura bought this decker a few months later . One of 160 exported to Australia as a chassis-cab for PSV service until 1968 . Then used by Andy Stewart on his London-Calcutta run until 1974 . Laura later fitted a new roof , then stored at Winkleigh bus collection in 2008 , sold & placed in Beith Bus Museum in Scotland . Then Andy bought it back , interior refit & planned to overland it back to Australia , but after mechanical problems in France it went by boat . photo = Dave Fawcett

Laura's Venturer At Pode Hall . Spalding 1993
MRO343H MO2004 EZJ921 (1948) Albion Venturer SPCX19W . Commonwealth Engineering H/R. Ex-N.S.W . Australia .
Seen 9.6.93 Lincs. Exported as a chassis in 1948 & bodied in Australia . Between 1968-74 it was used on the overland London-Calcutta run & named Albert . Laura replaced the leaking roof , but eventually stored it at Winkleigh bus collection 2008 in an unfinished state . Bought by a collector & stored at the Beith Museum , Scotland . Re-bought by the earlier over-lander owner & eventually returned by boat to Australia . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Joe's Nimbus At Strawberry Fayre 1993
ABV665A 335KPL (1959) Albion Nimbus NS3AN . Willowbrook B31F . Ex-Brown Motor Services (A.T. Brady). Forest Green . Surrey .
Seen 5.6.93 Cambridge . 'Joe's Garage' sorted and converted living vehicles for Travellers and straights in Todmordon . Later owned by Annie , then Rob The Didge & lastly by Charlotte , who painted it red before selling to Walters Coaches , Oxford in 2013 as a long term 'restoration' project . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Lyle & Kirstie's Viking VK41L In Portugal 1995
5708HZ (1966) Albion Viking VK41L . MH Cars B44F. Ex-Tyrone County Education Committee . North Ireland .
Seen 6.4.95 Poiares . Portugal . They were amongst the many rigs parked in Fran & Aide's garden during their absence ! Not sure if it still survives in Europe somewhere ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Adam & Lee's Albion At Barrowden Lane Site . 1993
732 OFF605 (1949) Albion Victor FT39AB . Reading B36F. Ex-Watson . St. Martin
Seen 19.5.93 Ketton . Leics. They sold it in the mid 1990's & seems it was taken to Scotland & maybe still survives there as a chassis ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Adam & Lee's Albion . Barrowdean Lane Leics. 1993
732 OFF605 (1949) Albion Victor FT39AB . Reading B36F. Ex-Watson's Garage 22 . Guernsey .
Seen 19.5.93 Ketton . Leics. Adam & Lee's bus was bought from J.Young's collection . They sold it in the mid 1990's & taken to Scotland , where it may survive as a chassis ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Adam & Lee's Victor FT39AB At Polesworth Site 1992
732 OFF605 (1949) Albion Victor FT39AB . Reading B36F. Ex-Watson's Garage . Guernsey 22 .
Seen 9.4.92 Polesworth Nature Reserve . Warks . Another J.C. Young bus , and one that needed an engine transplant , the original 6cyl EN277 petrol engine had already been replaced by a 4cyl EN286B diesel . But the crank was shot so Adam tried twice to find a replacement . He sold it to other Traveller's in the mid 1990's , who took it to Scotland , maybe the chassis remains with a collector ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Pat's Victor At Clifton Hall Site . Staffs. 1992
2616 (1956) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway Co. No.57 .
Seen 5.3.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs. Bought from J.Young's collection , where it'd sat neglected since being imported into the UK in the 1980's . So it wasn't surprising that it suffered engine failure . In fact I only ever saw this bus being towed , later on the A46 lay-by site with Carlos with JPA85V's number plate !! 2012 being restored by TDC Bodyshop in Lydney . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dominic's Victor At Odstone Drove . Leics. 1992
4076 Q147OST RFO829 (1956) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 75 .
Seen 31.1.92 Ibstock . Leics . Dominic later took this down to Spain . Then sold it to Claire & Chris , who sold it to Luke & Jacqui in London . They sold it to a woman who let the 12 Tribes sect have it .. Since 2009 its served as a wedding & hospitality unit in Belgium , but returns to England for servicing . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Kevin's Ex-Guernsey Nimbus At Pitton Site 1991
12725 (1963) Albion Nimbus NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 93 .
Seen 14.4.91 nr.Salisbury . Wilts . He's repainted it , sorted engine problems & in 2018 still living in the bus . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Annie's Albion EN286 At Pfera Hall . 1990
JPA85V 6442 (1954) Albion Victor . FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway 52 . EN286 4cyl Diesel .
Seen 17.9.90 nr Ledbury . The engine is still running , but by 2015 the bus was just a chassis cab with Cookie . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Annie & Nick At Marsh Common Site 1990
JPA85V 6442 (1954) Albion Victor . FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 52 .
Seen 17.8.90 Worcs . Originally imported from Guernsey in 1980 by Peter Davis . 1st lived in by Adrian , then Boysie & here with Annie & Nick , who were slowly re-painting it after an engine rebuild . She sold it in 1993 when moving to Europe . It re-emerged at an auction in 2007 minus any interior & bought by Nick , who stored it until Cookie bought it as a chassis cab in 2015 due to the Heaver body being rotten . Now with Dai , a collector . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ex-Guernsey 75 In A Ramsgate Yard 2009
RFO829 Q147OST 4078 (1957) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 75 .
Seen 27.4.09 Kent . Originally Dominick's home , then Claire & Chris , followed by Luke & Jacqui in London , then a woman owner who sold it to the 12 Tribes sect . Here the bus awaits repairs before returning to Belgium where it now functions as a wedding hire unit !. Photo = Dave Burrin .

Rob The Didge's Nimbus . c1998
ABV665A 335KPL (1959) Albion Nimbus NS3AN . Willowbrook B31F. Ex-Brown Motor Services (A.T. Brady). Forest Green . Surrey .
Seen 1998 . Originally converted by Joe of Joe's Garage , then lived in by Annie before Rob & his then partner bought the bus in Brighton from her . Sold to Charlotte in 1999/2000 , who painted it red & sold in 2013 to Walters Coaches , Oxford as a long term 'restoration' project . Photo = Rob the Didge .

Kev's Albion Victor FT39KAN At Stonehenge
HFO742 8231 (1958) Albion FT39 KAN . Reading B35F . Ex-Guernsey Railway Co. 62 .
Seen ? Stonehenge . Wilts. Now owned by Cookie . Photo = Gary Conway .

Cath & Paul's 'New' Bus . 2010
LSV201 / 10488 (1961) Albion NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway Co. 165
Seen 9.10 Lincs. After being sat in its previous owners garden for years a bit of brake maintenance saw it get an MOT for a successful drive to its new home in Bridgeport . Photo = Paul .

Charlotte's Nimbus At Northampton Market 2010
ABV665A 335KPL (1959) Albion Nimbus NS3AN . Willowbrook B31F. Ex-Brown Motor Services (A.T. Brady). Forest Green . Surrey .
Seen 2010 Northampton . Sunday Art Market ! Originally converted by Joe's Garage in Todmorton , then lived in by Annie , Rob the Didge & finally Charlotte , who sold it to Walters Coaches , Oxford in 2013 as a long term 'restoration' project . Photo = Iain .

Dave & Jo's Albion in North Scarle 1994
10488 LSV201 (1961) Albion NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway 165 .
Seen 1994 Lincs. This had been bought in 1984 when Guernsey auctioned off its old fleet by collector J.R.Young . Stored in a field by whoever bought it off him .. then used by Dave & Jo before being sold to a raver type who parked it outside his Lincs. home for ages ...then rescued by Paul & Cath who use it as a mobile curry bus . Photo = Paul .

Smush Of TUMT's 'Marybelle' VT21L Firefly . 1984
ADJ494B (1964) Albion VT21L . Duple Northern Firefly C41F. Ex-St.Helen's Co-op . Goose Green .
Seen 1984 . The rear had been cut down to create a platform & door . Sadly it was later burnt out by the Guardia Civil in 1986 . Photo = Janet Henbane

Rag's Ex-Guernsey Victor 1993
TFO249 JPA84V 8228 (1958) Albion FT39KAN . Reading B35F . Ex-Guernsey Railway 78 .
Seen 6.93 . Rag's sold it to an Eastbourne Auction House who used it as a static advert , until rescued by a Guernsey transport co. Photo = Rags .

Twelve Tribe's Ex-Guernsey Motors 75
4076 Q147OST RFO829 (1957) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F . Ex-Guernsey Motors 75 .
Seen ? . Originally converted by Dominic , then used by Claire & Chris , followed by Luke & Jacqui & a female owner before 12 Tribes religious sect repainted & stripped . In 2009 it went to Belgium for use as a wedding hire outfit ! Photo = Stardust .

Annie's Albion Arriving At Inglestone Common 1989
JPA85V 6442 (1954) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 52 .
Seen 28.5.89 Avon . Originally imported from Guernsey in 1980 by Peter Davis . 1st lived in by Adrian , then Boysie , then Annie , who sold it in 1993 when she moved to Europe . It re-emerged at an auction in 2007 minus any interior & bought by Nick , who stored it until Cookie bought it as a chassis cab in 2015 due to the Heaver body being rotten . Now with Dai , a collector . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Ex-Guernsey Motors 75 Ramsgate yard 2009
RFO829 Q147OST 4078 (1957) Albion Victor FT39AN . Heaver B35F . Ex-Guernsey Motors 75 .
Seen 27.4.09 Kent . Back in the UK for some engine repairs etc , before returning to Belgium . Originally converted by Dominic , then used by Claire & Chris followed by Luke & Jacqui , & an unknown woman , before passing to the 12 Tribes sect who were responsible for the colour scheme here . Then crossed to Europe in 2009 as a wedding hire bus ! Photo = Dave Burrin .

Dominic's Ex-Guernsey 75
4076 Q147OST RFO829 (1957) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 75 .
Seen ? . Originally owned by Dominic , who took it to Spain & back , then by Claire & Chris , Luke & Jacqui in London who sold it c2004 to a woman who then sold it to the Twelve Tribes religious sect . In 2009 it was acquired by a Belgium wedding hire company ! . Photo = Gary Conway .

Charlotte's Nimbus In Undercoat 2008
ABV655A 335KPL (1959) Albion NS3AN . Willowbrook B31F . Ex-Brown Motor Services (A.T. Brady). Forest Green .
Seen 2008 . Originally converted by 'Joe's Garage' at Todmorton , then lived in by Annie , Rob The Didge & his partner & finally Charlotte . Here she was preparing the bus for a red top coat . Later bought by Walter's Coaches , Oxford in 2013 as a long term 'restoration' project . Photo = Charlotte .

Kev's NS3AN Nimbus At Old Sarum Site c1993
12725 (1963) Albion NS3AN . Reading B35F. Ex-Guernsey Motors 93 .
Seen 1993 Old Sarum . After sorting out engine problems that saw him towed around for a while it's now his site static home . Photo = Mark Hudson .

Hazzard's Lowlander At Foire Extraordinaire 1995
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Cunnock (Western SMT) CN1780 .
Seen 1.11.95 Arvigna (09) Ariege . France . At the end of the Foire Extraordianire Festival Bes was painting the near-side with UV paints for Perry Hazzard . But its now returned to plain SMT red to blend in with the rest of Perry's vintage camping business . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hazzard's Lowlander At Foire Extraordinaire 1995
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Cunnock (Western SMT) CN1780 .
Seen 1.11.95 Arvigna (09) Ariege . France . At one time owned by Dianne & Gary , then traveled around Europe with Perry & Hazzard Circus . After the Foire the near-side received a dayglo paint-job from Bes . Sadly now back in drab SMT red to fit into Perry's retro-camping business . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dominic's Albion In France 1995
Q147OST 4076 RFO829 (1957) Albion FT39AN . Heaver B35F. Ex-Guernsey Railway 75 .
Seen 16.7.95 Lac Blassimon Festival (33) Gironde . France . Dominic & his partner were heading back to the UK after overwintering in south Spain . Then used by Chris & Claire , followed by Luke & Jacqui who sold it in 2004 to a woman who sold it to the Twelve Tribes Religious sect . In 2009 it went to Belgium where it serves as a hospitality unit ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Lyle & Kirstie's Viking VK41L In Portugal . 1995
5708HZ (1966) Albion Viking . VK41L . MH Cars B44F. Ex-Tyrone County Education Committee . Northern Ireland .
Seen 6.4.95 Poiares . Portugal . Parked in the front garden of Fran & Aides house . The original Leyland 0370 engine was later changed in Spain , but not sure if the still survives somewhere ? photo = Dave Fawcett