AEC Commercials Civil & Ex-Military

Baron's Matador & Showman's 2016
MFD366 (1943) AEC Matador . Ex-MoD . (1920)s Ex-Showman's Living Van .
Seen 2016 A combo that's sadly being slowly lunched out by Baron it seems ! . photo = Richard .

'Militant' Steve's Rig & Trailer . Cornwall 1997
TSO882S (1977) AEC Militant . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1997 Cornwall . When I'd seen this rig in 1994 it was painted dark blue with a steel living box on the back . Here it was gradually being painted red & a trailer provided accommodation . Photo = Sarah .

Cookie's Matador & Trailer . Cornwall 1993
ACP644 (1940)s AEC 0853 Matador Ex-MOD . (1946-74) WYPTE Calderdale District R1 .
Seen 1993 Cornwall . Now thought to be derelict in Yorkshire ? Photo = Vern .

Cookie Driving Past Vern's Blim Bus 1993
ACP644 (1940)s AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD . (1946-74) WYPTE Calderdale District R1 .
Seen 1993 Cornwall . The matador may well still survive in Yorkshire ? but said to be in a derelict condition ! Photo = Vern .

Ex-Bournemouth FB Emergency Tender On Site
3982RU AEC Mercury . Ex-Bournemouth Fire Brigade Emergency Tender .
Seen ? Note the potty out of reach of pooh snacking dogs ! Photo = Jaine .

Stokers Mercury Emergency Tender In Somerset 2011
ERA897C (1965) AEC Mercury . Merryweather . Ex-Derbys Fire Brigade
Seen 2011 Cornwall . Wrapped up and out of use .. Photo = Gary Conway .

Roy's Ex-Sayer's Matador Towing Sue's Trojan 1988
EMO402V AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD . APR920A 435UPD (1961) Trojan . Ex-Police Crew Bus .
Seen 1998 ? I know that Sue's bus was scrapped at Bulbury Farm Site in the winter 1988/9 so maybe they were heading there ? Johnny is also in the photo . Photo = ?

Stewart's Matador Timber Crane
KNM161G AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? As with a large number of these ex-MoD 0853's its been converted for logging . Previously owned by Geoff Rhodes at Mkt. Harborough . Photo = Stuart .

Stuart's 0853 Matador At Work
KNM161G AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Seen here painted red & blue , at work logging . Previously owned by Geoff Rhodes at Mkt. Harborough . Photo = Stuart .

Stef's Rig On The Road c1992
OSK728 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD & SME544 (1947) Commer Commander . Park Royal RC20C. Ex-BEA . Northolt .
Seen 1992 ?

Ben Towing Wango's Out Of Mischief Festival 2012
PFW716G (1943) AEC Matador . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2012 Handy rig for UK Summer's ! Photo = Gid .

Ian's Matador On Site 1994
CNJ935T AEC Matador . Ex-MoD .
Seen 1994 Hampshire . He later sold to the Thistle Forestry Co. Photo = Ian .

Gid's Matador Shunting His Parents Showmans 2014
396LNK AEC Matador . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2014 . Photo = Gid .

Matt Hooper's Matador
Q517NYD AEC Matador . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? After being left to deteriorate for years this rig is now supposedly being restored .. Photo = Matt .

Militant & Drawbar Trailer
JAS707 Q520AFG AEC Militant FV11918 . Ex-REME ?.
Seen ? Possibly the same rig that was later painted red/gold , then yellow/black after its mod GS rear unit had been removed ? If so now with a collector Andrew . Photo = via Jay

Maya's Ex-Fuel Bowser . Notting Hill Carnival 1993
KYY471D (1966) AEC . Mammoth Major . Ex-BP Airport Fuel Bowser .
Seen 1993 London . Pulling Circus Normal's parade float !

Stef's Matador & Commer Commander At Lechlade 1992
OSK728 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD & SME544 (1947) Commer Commander . Park Royal RC20C. Ex-BEA . Northolt .
Seen 1992 Lechlade . Stef had sold his Matador to Danny , but a few years later bought it back ! Photo = Rags .

Steve & Franqui's Militant In Cornwall
TSO882S (1977) AEC Militant . Ex-MOD
Seen ? Cornwall . Originally in MoD green , then dark blue .. Photo = Ruth

Chod's Matador At Glastonbury Festival 2000
900JHN AEC Matador . Ex-BVT Braintree Recovery Cab .
Seen 2000 Pilton . Somerset . With Jane & Fab on the front bumper . Photo = Phillip

Matt's Old Militant At Affpuddle Site
reg? AEC Militant . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? Affpuddle . Photo = Matt

Belgium Andy's Road Train . 1990's
Q879UGL CSJ814 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-Eastern National 0102 . SME526 (1947) Commer Commando . Park Royal RC20C. Ex-BEA Rusilip 1008 . & CSC Coventry Knight .
Seen 1990's Last seen painted red & white with CSJ814 reg. plate c2000 . Photo = ? magazine

Roy's Ex-Sawyer Snowplough Matador
EMO402V AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? photo = Hellan

Arcadia's Matador 2014
865XUU AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MoD .
Seen 2014 ? Photo = Gary Conway

Stuart's Matador At UK Vintage Rally 2006
KNM161G AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen 2006 .Previously owned by Geoff Rhodes . Photo = Martin

Militant Towing Alison & Will's Rig . Forest Fayre
Q233FLA ? AEC Militant . Ex-MoD . NNT185P (1976) Leyland Boxer 1000 . Ex-BT.
Seen ? Photo = Pete

Matt Using A Landrover To Straighten The Cab
Q517NYB AEC Matador . Ex-MoD .
Seen ? After being left to rot by another Matt , there's a lot of work needed to get it roadworthy again ! Photo = Matt Hooper

Belgium Andy's Ex-Bus Co. Matador Wrecker c2000
CSJ814 Q879UGL AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-NBC 62 / 278VX Eastern National . Hadley HH 0102 .
Seen c2000 Somerset . It'd previously been painted red & blue & used it to tow his Commer Commando bus & Coventry Knight trailer when it was on a Q plate . Photo = Gary Conway

Roy's Matador . Gate Duty Activator Festival 1988
EMO402V AEC 0853 Matador Ex-MoD . Sayers Transport Co. Newbury ..
Seen 1988 Tewkesbury . Skool bus benefit event . Roy's Matador had last been used as a snowplough & recovery unit by Sayers . Photo = Craig

Roy's Matador Tug-of-War Activator Festival 1988
EMO402V AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MoD . Sayers Transport Co. Newbury .
Seen 1988 Tewkesbury . Roy was competing against a Q4 . Photo = Craig

Danny's Matador , Panorama & Bender At A Festival
OSK728 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen .. Previously owned by Stef when painted red , then Danny (who rebuilt the engine ) sold it back to Stef after a few years . Photo = Linda

Alistair's Fire Tender At Stonehenge Festival 1984
NJN... AEC Mercury . Ex-Fire Tender .
Seen 1984 Wilts. He was a member of TUMT . Photo = Gopher

Alistair's Mecury FT & Bamboo's Vista . Rougham
NJN... AEC Mercury Ex-Fire Tender . DWH794C (1965) Bedford VAS1 Duple Vista C29F. Ex-Leigh . Bolton .
Seen .. Rougham Aerodrome . Suffolk . Photo = Janet

Red Militant With Striped Bumper 2007
JAS707 Q520AFG AEC Militant FV11018 . Ex-REME ?
Seen 2007 . Another photo in this section shows it later painted yellow on a site in Cornwall & maybe an earlier one when still in army green ? . Now owned by a collector , Andrew . photo = Gary Conway .

Chod's Matador at Glastonbury Festival 1990
635EAH (1963) AEC Matador . Ex-MOD
Seen 19.6.90 Pilton . Somerset . Chod had replaced the original engine with one from a Mandator , which required a 6" chassis extension ! The Cab was also an addition , but there was no cab floor as such = Dave Fawcett .

Mark's Ex-Sayer Matador . Hungerford Festival 1991
OTO376 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD
Seen 5.5.91 Hungerford Common , Berks. Previously used by Sayers Transport Co. Newbury . Mark was towing his insulated trailer that was very strange to be shut inside of . The Matador was later owned by Journey Man John & ended up being scrapped . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Chod's Matador at Sodbury Common 1991
635EAH (1963reg) AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen 28.5.91 Sodbury Common Festival . Avon . Chod's rig had been heavily modified , Mandator engine which needed a chassis extension , more modern AEC cab , timber-crane etc. Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Chod & His Matador at Clifton Hall Site 1992
635EAH AEC 0853 Matador . EX-MOD (Mandator Engine) Timber Crane Conversion .
Seen 21.2.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs . Chod was manoeuvring Sham's ex-WWII Searchlight Trailer next to his caravan in order to put it on top of the trailer .. not a smooth operation ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bod's Matador at Wollaton Park AEC Rally 1992
FNT632V (1979)reg. AEC Matador 6x6 . Ex-Coles Mobile Crane .
Seen 24.5.92 Wollaton Park . Nottingham . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Stewart's Matador At Blackbarns Site 1993
Q197JFC (1942) AEC 0853 Matador 6x6 . Ex-RAF Coles Crane .
Seen 17.5.93 Crawley . Hants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Danny's Matador At Bottesford Drove 1994
OSK728 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen 19.1.94 Lincs. The Matador's engine was in bits in a box so after the site's eviction I went to tow it to Laxton Airfield Site with my Albion . Got pulled on the A1 return journey .. Danny was taxed etc , not me !! . Kate was helping with the rigid bar . Previously owned by Stef & Danny sold it back to him . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Steve & Franqui's Militant On Site Near Chard 1994
TSO882S (1977) AEC Militant . Ex-MOD .
Seen 31.3.94 Chard . Somerset . Seen during a quick tour of sites in the area thanks to Carl . The steel box was later taken off and the truck painted red . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Steve & Franqui's Militant With Steel Living Box
TSO882S (1977) AEC Militant . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? . Originally in MOD green , at one time all in blue , then when the box was removed repainted in red . Photo = Alex .

Stef's Matador At Lechlade Site 1992
OSK728 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1992 . Lechlade . Briefly owned by Danny after this era then bought back by Stef . Photo = Sue Collins .

Belgium Andy's Matador At Forest Fayre
Q879UGL CSJ814 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-NBC 62 . 278VX Eastern National . Hadley HH 0102 .
Seen 1993.. Forest Fayre . Andy making his rig useful in Welsh mud ! He also used it to 'road-train' his Commer Commando bus & Coventry Knight trailer . Photo = Mark Wright .

Mark in Trouble at Davidstone Airfield !
OTO376 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? . Davidstone Airfield . Mark needed the combined effort of Jez's Q4 , Belgium Andy's Q4 & AEC Matador Bus Recovery Truck !! . Previously owned by Sayers Transport Co. Newbury . Then later owned by Journeyman John & scrapped . Photo = Mark Wright .

Belgium Andy's Matador Bus Recovery Unit
Q879UGL CSJ814 AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-NBC 62 / Eastern National . Hadley 0102 .
Seen 1992 Davidstowe . Andy used it to tow his Commer Commando 1-1/2 deck bus & Coventry Knight trailer around with . By 2000 it was painted red & white & had a CSJ814 plate . Photo = Mark Wright .

Matt's Matador At Pilton 1989
Q517NYB AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1989 Glastonbury Festival , Pilton . Somerset . Matt towed his Showman's with it . It was later 'put out to grass' but now being restored in Dorset by another Matt . Photo = Rob Large .

Matt's Matador Looking Rough
Q517NYB AEC Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? . Used by Matt to tow his showman's before his habit intervened ! Now being restoring in Dorset by another Matt . Photo = Gary Conway .

Roy's Ex-Sayer's 'Samson' At Clyro Court 1988
EMO402V (1979reg) AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1.10.88 Bilbo Baggins Skool Bus Benefit . Clyro Court . Powys . Roy 'Weird Beard' Gurwitz's . Previously used as a Recovery Vehicle & snow plough by Sayers Transport Co. Newbury . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Chris's Militant Horsebox !
691AEC AEC Militant . Ex-MOD & Horse Box Body .
Seen ? . Photo = Gary Conway .

Stoker's Mercury Ex-Emergency Tender . BGG
ERA897C (1965) AEC Mercury . Merryweather . Ex-Derbys. Fire Brigade .
Seen ? Warminster . This Emergency Tender still exists but now tarped over & unused in Somerset . photo = Gary Conway .

Chris's Militant Horsebox
691AEC Militant . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? . Excessive choice of chassis for a horse-box !! . Photo = Angie .

Spider's Militant at Betsone 1991
LBT187E ? AEC Militant . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1991 . Betsone . Sited for a party with Circus Normal , but Riot cops decided otherwise .. Photo = Adrian Neil .

Mark & Jo's Militant at Mendip Sidings 1993
reg? AEC Militant . Ex-MOD .
Seen 1993 Mendip Sidings Site . Photo = Jamie Woods .

Chod's Militant / Matador ?
900JHN AEC Militant . Ex- BVT Garage Recovery Vehicle .
Seen ? The reg was on 6x6 Matador that was scrapped after an incident with a ditch .. Photo = Norman .

Militant At St. Agnes Point Cornwall For Eclipse
Q520AFG JAS707 AEC Militant FV11018 . Ex-REME ?
Seen ? Cornwall . It was earlier painted red/gold with a red & black bumper & prior to that in army green . By 2017 it was owned by Andrew , a collector . Photo = Ken , Vintage Commercial Vehicle Magazine .

Stu's Matador On Lunways Drove . Winchester
KNM161G AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Wichester . Previously owned by Geoff Rhodes at Mkt. Harborough photo = Sid .

Stu's Matador Parked In A Council Estate !
KNM161G AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Just visiting or parked outside his house ? Previously owned by Geoff Rhodes at Mkt. Harborough . Photo = Stuart .

Matt Site Taking With His Militant !
KFO482 AEC Militant . Ex-MOD .
Seen ? Photo = Paul Tarr .

Militant in Somerset 2011
XVS198 AEC Militant . Ex-MOD .
Seen 2011 Somerset . Photo = Gary Conway .

Arcadia's Matador
865XUU AEC 0853 Matador . Ex-MOD .
Seen 2011 ? . Arcadia used this for part of their fire show at the 2011 Glastonbury Festival . Photo = Gary Conway .

Chod's Matador About To Tow An Fg
635EAH AEC Matador
Seen ? Chod's no longer around but his rig might still be in an Irish ditch ?? Photo = Adam Hancock

Nel's Militant After Fire 2009
RFF391 AEC Militant
Seen 2009 . Yard fire that wrecked his showmans . Photo = Nel .