Artists & Their Vehicle Artwork

Dick's Rainbow 420FG At Rougham Tree Fayre 1985.
AUU367H (1970) Leyland 420FG .
Seen 7.9.85 Green Deserts Festival , Rougham . Suffolk . It was used as a mobile cinema 'Rainbow Visions' at festivals by Chrissie & Mike . Now rotting at Hatfield Court . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Nick's Stonehenge Banner 1987
Nick's Artwork . Marden Cowbag nr. Devizes .
Seen 15.6.87 Devizes . On one of several stop-over sites used by the Stonehenge 'walkers' that year . Photo = Dave Fawcett

1987 Stonehenge Poster
1987 'Stonehenge Campaign' 99 Toriano Ave. London .
Seen 1987 . The year that Stonehenge Walkers were finally allowed access for few hours , but there's never been another solstice festival . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tobacco Tin Lid = Inspired By Nature ! 1987
Ribblehead Mushroom Festival !
Seen 18.8.87 Blea Moor . Yorks. Memories of the 10 days I spent here are slightly vague for some reason ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Josh's Walkthrough . Equinox Stonehenge 1988
GFB619N (1974) Commer Walk-Thru .
Seen 20.3.88 Wilts. Josh had decorated all the sides of his home . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Clown's Stonehenge '86 Poster
Stonehenge '86 Campaign Poster .
"Red Indian Culture Savagely Destroyed - Stop It... Happening To Yours!" Artwork by 'Clown' printed by Phil & Co. thanks to benefit gig's in Bradford & Batley . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Taff's Speakeasy Signwriting Stonehenge 1988
XEL229B 645ACE (1961) Bedford SB5 . Duple Super Vega C41F. Ex-Hariss (Progressive) Cambridge .
Seen 20.3.88 Spring Equinox Stonehenge . Wilts. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tarot Sign At Barsham Festival 1986
Tarot Reading Stall .
Seen24.8.86. Green Deserts Festival . Barsham . Suffolk . There was minimum publicity (to avoid problems with the Convoy) & vehicles were obliged to park on the roadsides leading up to the festival site ,whilst a huge field reserved for day trippers cars sat 1/2 empty . Radio 4 Woman's Hour did a live broadcast on the bank holiday Monday . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rex's Stonehenge ' 89 Poster
Stonehenge Festival 1989 .
Seen 3.89 Leicester . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bilbo Baggins-Clyro Court Poster 1988
"Bilbo Baggins" Skool Bus Benefit At Clyro Court .
Seen 1988 Leicester . Chillum & 3x 'passport' . Photo = Dave

Steve & Sue's 'Bluebell Bus' Swindon 1989
VAX839H (1969) Bedford VAS5 . Duple Vista 25 C41F. Ex-Davis . Tredegar.
Seen 29.4.89 Beltane Festival . Swindon . These were painted by Shereon , the 1st owner of the bus . Sue lived in the bus until it's frame was too rotten in the 1990's & the engine was used in another Vista . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hilary's 'Henge ' 89' Banner
Patchwork-appliqué Banner 1989 Solstice Celebrations .
Seen 5.5.89 Bournemouth . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Magic Mushrooms & Spray Paint = !! 1989
UNY523S (1977) Bedford J3 . Ex-British Telecom .
Seen 27.5.89 Inglestone Common Festival, Avon . The owners of this J-type soon regretted their 'excess' the next morning as their home was slightly on the illegal side .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Who Put Mushrooms In My Tea ?? Inglestone 1989
UNY523S (1977) Bedford J3 . Ex-British Telecom .
Seen 28.5.89 Inglestone Common Festival . Avon . Once the novelty factor wore off , and reality returned the owners of this J-type realised that their 'hallucinogenic' artwork might cause them a few problems this was the answer ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

'Gonghabar' At Inglestone Common Festival 199
reg ? Bedford J3. Ex-British Telecom .
Seen 29.5.89 Avon . Bar sign , but no bar !! . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rags & Jo's Bus Boot At Inglestone Common 1989
DAW616C (1965) Bedford SB5. Plaxton Panorama 1 C41F. Ex-Corvedale . Ludlow .
Seen 29.5.89 Avon . Something 'cosmic' for anyone stuck behind this bus to stare at whilst waiting for a chance to overtake ..bus later owned by Kieran , then Claire & Lee who took it to Spain & then scrapped ?. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rags & Jo's Sun . Inglestone Festival 1989
DAW616C (1965) Bedford SB5 . Plaxton Panorama 1 C41F. Ex-Corvedale . Ludlow .
Seen 29.5.89 Avon . Painted on a near-side blacked out window of Rags & Jo's bus . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Circus Bong 's Stage At Inglestone Common 1989
XYX891T (1978) Bedford TK . Pantechnicon .
Seen 29.5.89 Avon . Showing the artwork on the rear of Circus Bong's mobile stage , this Bedford later became Wango Riley's Travelling Stage vehicle , until it burnt out . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bes(rip) Painting Jeff's Marquee Inglestone 1989
Bes Painted Mobile & Immobile Objects .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common Festival . Avon . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Julian Being Artistic At Inglestone 1989
Q534NYA. Karrier . Ex-Fire Tender .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common Festival , Avon . Julian adding 'coach lining' to the cab of Chris's fire engine , with Sarah stood nearby . Bes had already painted the box . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Giles' Chillums . Inglestone Festival 1989
The Larger One Didn't Survive 'Bonfire Firing' .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common . Avon . Photo = Dave Fawcett

'Comfey Lux' Nick Tarp-Painting . Inglestone
Nick Decorating Nick Turner's 'Pyramid Stage' Cover .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common Festival . Avon . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Reg Coin Cutting At Inglestone Festival 1989
Drilling Coins To Make Earings & Pendants .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common . Avon . A popular earner , with well known results such as the queen with a spliff , I wore one of Reg's mushroom coins until it got lost whilst being arrested .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Strawberry Laura's FG . Inglestone Festival 1989
CYC916J (1970) Leyland FG . Ex-Ambulance .
Seen 29.5.89 Inglestone Common , Avon . One of Julian's Celtic creations . By 1992 the ambulance was owned by Matty & Sylvia & sold when they bought an ex-Guernsey Bedford . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bes & Chilly' Phil's Commer . Stephens Drove 1989
UXD308L (1973) Commer VCAW 887 . Roots B-F. Ex-Luton Airport BC5973 .
Seen 30.5.89 near Stockbridge , Hants. We used this site between the Inglestone and Andover festivals . Bes's paint-job progressed over the months to completely cover Phil's bus . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Alan's 'Landscape' Bus At Rats Run Drove 1989
OVW687D (1966) Bedford SB5 . Duple Bella Vega. Ex-Supreme . Hadleigh .
Seen 9.6.89 Longstock . Hampshire . Used as a pre-Andover festival meeting point . Another of Bes's paint jobs , the offside can be seen in the Bedford SB section . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bes's 'Mobile-Gallery' At Glastonbury 1989
OVW687D (1966) Bedford SB5 . Duple 'Bella Vega'. UXD308L(1973) Commer VCAW 887 . Rootes . JOU649P (1975) Leyland Boxer 1000 .
Seen 16.6.89 Pilton . Somerset . Bes picked the spot to best show off some of his artistic skills ! These were : Alan's 'Landscape Bus' , Phils 'Skull Bus' and Blah Dave's 'Desolation Scene' . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Havens Festival Poster . Amsterdam 1989
Havens Festival At 'The Last Bus Shelter' . Amsterdam .
Seen 8. 89 Amsterdam . Holland . The festival was a washout , literally with the stage under inches of water on the main weekend , but life went on despite this ! Dutch 'organisers' tried to 'tax' the food stalls etc on this squatted site !! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Celtic Dogs . Autumn Equinox Stonehenge 1989
Cab Door . Commer Walk-Thu .
Seen 23.9.89 Stonehenge . Wiltshire . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bes's Artwork . Geoff's FG700 Whitesheet Hill 1990
NOD935G (1968) Austin FG700 & Ex-MOD Box .
Seen 10.5.90 Dorset . The original petrol engine had been replaced with a 6cyl BMC diesel & an FG900 bonnet added . Photo = Dave Fawcett

British Isles In Perspective . At Inglestone 1990
HMG286N (1974) Ford D.0607 Papworth . Ex-British Telecom .
Seen 26.5.90 Inglestone Common Festival . Avon . Neil's home with a Bes 'geographical' painting . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Panorama 'Eye' At Inglestone Common Festival 1990
reg .. Bedford .. Plaxton Panorama Elite II. C-F.
Seen 26.5.90 Avon . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Trevor's Bella Vista Door Panel . Andover 1989
XKP73A 1910ET (1962) Bedford VAS2 . Duple Bella Vista C29F. Ex-Riley . Rotherham .
Seen 6.89 Penton Mewsey Festival . nr Andover . Hants. Not sure if this was Trevor's own work ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Neil Painting Geoff's FG700 At Penton Mewsey 1990
NOD935G (1968) Austin FG700 .
Seen 9.6.90 Andover . Hants . Geoff's rig getting its cab lined out by Neil , its original petrol engine had been replaced with a 6cyl BMC diesel & an FG900 bonnet added . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Croissant Neuf Circus . Glastonbury Festival 1990
Croissant Neuf (Human) Circus's Big Top . Painted By Dave Panit .
Seen 20.6.90 Pilton . Somerset . This circus troupe are still active in the UK , though obviously using more modern transport in 1990 . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Wango Riley's Stage At Glastonbury Festival 1990
XYX891T (1978) Bedford TK Pantechnican .
Seen 28.6.90 Pilton . Somerset . Anyone recognise the painter . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Kate & Lawrence's VAM 70 . Spring Equinox 1989
SRX252G (1969) Bedford VAM70 . Strachan Pacesaver B46F. Ex-IRAD . Compton .
Seen 19.3.89 Stonehenge . Wiltshire . Another of Julian's Celtic knot-work paintings . By 2016 the bus was looking in a sad state on a farm rented by Dana . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Icki Chalking At Kiln Farm 1990
Icki Working Amongst TUMT Vehicles At Green Desert's HQ .
Seen 7.6.90 Rougham . Suffolk . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Angelina & Tobart's Q4 Door At Longstock 1991
497ELM Commer Q4 . Mann Eggerton . Ex-AFS .
Seen 19.6.91 Rats Run . Longstock . Hants . They later sold their Q4 to Claire , who passed it to Punk Kaf & in London 2017 . photo = Dave Fawcett

Mikey's Boot At Trecastle Festival 1991
582PTX (1961) Bedford SB3 . Duple Super Vega . C41F . Ex-Buono & Warren . Neath .
Seen 10.8.91 Trecastle Festival . Powys . Silver-tooth Mark had bought this coach from a Tug Of War team & sold it to Mike . Then Sue owned it , changing its colour scheme to blue & green before taking it to France , where it ended up as a chicken shed in the Ariege region by 1999 . photo = Dave Fawcett .

Bernie = Rear Window Of Rob & Nikki's VAL14 . 1991
DWF51C (1965) Bedford VAL14 . Plaxton Panorama I C52F . Ex-Abbey . Selby .
Seen 11.8.91 Trecastle Festival . Powys . Bernie's portrait was used by RDF on an album cover which was then copied onto the back of their coach ! Which was later seen rotting in a Devon field , but the reg plate 'lived on' with Dave's VAL70 . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Theatre Nostril At Mallerstang Festival 1991
RVE241J (1970) Leyland FG900 .
Seen 1.9.91 Kirkby Steven . Cumbria . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Blim Bus Boot . Highfields Street . Leicester 1991
JCH380N (1965) Bedford J2SZ10 . Plaxton Embassy . Ex-Royal Navy . 93.RN.51
Seen 23.12.91 Highfields . Leicester . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Martin's Embassy Boot . Clifton Hall Site 1992
BHU325A 294BLB (1963) Bedford SB8 . Plaxton Embassy I C41F. Ex-Edwards (Radio Coaches) Edmonton N9 .
Seen 3.1.92 Staffs . Julian's artwork on the boot of Martin's home , which had originally been used by Simon's family 1975-82 , then a juggling troupe & seen in Holland in 1989 . Stef bought it from Martin in the 1990's & restored it (fitting a snowplough at one stage ) then toured Europe before taking it to Ireland & selling it in 1994 at the Inishowen Peninsula site and ..? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dayglo Celtic Spiral . Kizzy's Door . Clifton 1991
JWF35E (1967) Bedford VAM14 . Plaxton Panorama I . C45F . Ex-Boddy . Bridlington .
Seen 3.1.92 Clifton Hall . Clifton Campville . Staffs. Julian’s day-glo artwork to brighten up Kizzy's bus , that had previously been owned by Claire . Later taken to Europe by Gareth in the mid 1990's where it was eventually scrapped . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Sarah's VAM5 Viscount At Clifton Hall 1992
FNT900D (1966) Bedford VAM5 . Duple Northern 'Viscount' . Ex-Corvedale . Ludlow .
Seen 10.2.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs . Julian's artwork . Sarah sold the coach to Pogle from this site , he then swapped rigs with Nicky . She later weighed it in on a site in Leamington Spa . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Paul & Dawn's AEC Reliance At Clifton Hall 1992
AAB503A 30YTC (1964) AEC Reliance 4MU3RA . Plaxton Peanut Panorama I C51F. Shipley . Ashton-u-Lyne .
Seen 21.2.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs . This was a motif leftover from when the coach had previously served as a car transporter . Later scrapped . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Max's Box At Clifton Hall Site 1992
Max's Ex-box Sat On Glug's Commer VC Flatbed .
Seen 2.3.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Pa & Jil's VCAW At Clifton Hall Site 1992
UXD305L (1972) Commer VCAW887 . Rootes B-F. Ex-Luton Airport BC5970 .
Seen 2.3.92 Clifton Campville . Staffs. One of Julian's Celtic motifs on their bus side door . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Barney's TK At Charity Farm Site 1992
SLC883L (1972) Bedford TK . Ex-Horse Box .
Seen 15.5.92 Breedon . Leics. Julian was responsible for the cab lining out . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tat & Bridget's Bella Vega At Charity Farm 1992
POO32D (1966) Bedford SB5 . Duple Bella Vega C41F. Ex-Boon . Boreham .
Seen 16.5.92 Breedon . Leics. Julian's artwork around the front offside indicator . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Tat & Bridget's Bella Vega At Charity Farm 1992
POO32D (1966) Bedford SB5 . Duple Bella Vega C41F. Ex-Boon . Boreham .
Seen 16.5.92 Charity Farm . Breedon . Leics. Julian's artwork on the bus's boot . Photo = Dave Fawcett .

Tat & Bridget's Bella Vega At Charity Farm 1992
POO32D (1966) Bedford SB5 . Duple Bella Vega C41F. Ex-Boon . Boreham .
Seen 16.5.92 Breedon . Leics. Julian's artwork on the offside rear of their bus . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mutoid Sculpture At Castlemorton 1992
Mutoid's Recycled Art !
Seen 24.5.92 Castlemorton Common Festival . Worcs. Photo = Schmitt

Circus Warp's Sculpture At Laxton Festival 1992
Circus Warp's Rave Decoration .
Seen 20.6.92 Solstice . Laxton . Northants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Circus Warp's Sculpture At Laxton Festival 1992
Circus Warp's Rave Decorations .
Seen 20.6.92 Solstice Festival . Laxton . Northants. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bes's Terrier At Upton Drove 1992
NRB965W (1980) Leyland Terrier . Ex-British Rail .
Seen 14.9.92 Upton Drove . Leics. Bes's creation for his home . photo = Dave Fawcett

Fiasco Clowns Dodge At Strawberry Fayre 1993
PYC763P (1975) Dodge Carmichael . Ex-Fire Tender .
Seen 5.6.93 Cambridge . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Fiasco Clowns At Strawberry Fayre 1993
PYC763P (1975) Dodge . Carmichael . Ex-Fire Tender .
Seen 5.6.93 Cambridge . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Steve's Ex-BR FG . Old Oundle Rd. Wansford 1993
LGA118P (1975) Leyland FG . Ex-British Rail .
Seen 27.8.93 Cambs. Steve had painted the rear door of his FG to advertise his juggling equipment business . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bill's Old VAS1 Vista 88 Boot In Portugal 1995
JAM957E (1967) Bedford VAS1 . Duple Bella Vista 88 C29F. Ex-Keats . Bradford on Avon .
Seen 6.1.95 Ellie's Land . Villa Nova do Poires . Portugal . Aly was responsible for the paint-job , which was far too 'hippy' for Bill's taste ! Here the bus was with Neil & then used as a café around Spain by Barney & Co. after Neil's death . Then it was left at El Morian for some years before a new owner took it on in 2011 . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Lin's Decker At Lechlade Party 1992
479CFJ (1961) Leyland PD2A/30 . Massey H31/26R. Ex-Exeter 79.
Seen 1992 Lechlade . Now in plain marine blue after a repaint in 2012 . Photo = Sue Collins

Kirk & ' D ' Series At Kittysfield . Ireland 1992
GLA725T (1978) Ford D Series .
Seen 1992 Kittysfield . Galway . Paint-job by Bes . Photo = Stuart Macrae .

Simon & Claire's TK Horsebox In Portugal 1994
EYS878X (1981) Bedford TK . Ex-Horsebox .
Seen 22.12.94 Villa Nova do Poiares . Portugal . On Ellie's land for the Solstice party , I think Claire was responsible for the artwork ? Photo = Dave Fawcett

Laura & Austin's TK At Ellies Land . Portugal 1994
TTR240T (1978) Bedford TK .
Seen 22.12.94 Villa Nova do Poiares . Portugal . Another example of Bes's artwork . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rachel's Dodge In Coimbra Parking . Portugal 1995
HYO131W (1980) Dodge .
Seen 18.2.95 Coimbra . Portugal . Taken the morning after a 'Valentine's Party ' in the University's underground parking . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Paddy & Emma's Bus In Coimbra's Parking 1995
OVB189F (1968) Bedford VAS5 . Strachan B21F. Ex-Haringey . London .
Seen 18.2.95 Coimbra . Portugal . I think this represented the whale ? . Their bus had previously been home to Kirsty & Marley . It was eventually scrapped after returning to the UK . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jerry's Mag D . St. Y Bar Festival . France 1995
NF.98.21 (1940's) Magirus Deutz . Ex-Dutch Fire Tender .
Seen 27.5.95 Ariege (09). France . This explains why he was known as 'Jerry the Jester' ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rear End Of Fiat Bus . Eurokeennes 1995
JRT353V (1979) Fiat .
Seen 9.7.95 Belfort (90) Belfort . France . Scary stuff for anyone getting stuck behind this mini-bus ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dragon Honey Hannomag At Chalon 1995
GL DW 933 Hannomag .
Seen 22.7.95 Chalon-s-Soane (71) S & L . France . Dragon Honey = German fire troupe . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Dragon Honey Hannomag At Chalon 1995
GL DW 933 Hannomag .
Seen 22.7.95 Chalon-s-Soane (71) S & L . France . The Dragon symbol of the German "Dragon Honey " fire troupe . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Rear End At Annonay Festival 1995
KT AE 277 .
Seen 26.6.95 Ardeche (07). France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Turbonana's Tat Trailer . Aurillac Festival 1995
The Turbo' Brothers Motorbike , Fire & Juggling Act .
Seen 25.8.95 Aurillac (15) Cantal . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Total Resistance Party Banner In Portugal 1995
Total Resistance Back Drop .
Seen 11.1.95 Villa Nova do Poiares . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

St Valentines Party Backdrop . Coimbra 1995
English Party In Coimbra University's Underground Parking .
Seen 11.1.95 Villa Nova do Poiares . Portugal . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bes Paintjob On Claire's Dodge . Arvigna 1995
JJO620W (1980) Dodge 100 . Ex-British Telecom .
Seen 1995 Ariege (09). France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Okupa Mobile At Foire Extraordinaire Festival 1995
4508RL66 Berliet PH3.620 . PH10 Randonnee .
Seen 29.10.95 Arvigna . Ariege (09). France . This bus was used by a group of fire jugglers & street theatre folks based near Toulouse . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hazzard's Lowlander At Foire Extraordinaire 1995
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Western SMT 1780 .
Seen 1995 Arvigna . Ariege (09). France . Perry Hazzard's decker with its old paint-job . Now in SMT red on his retro-campsite . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Sculpture At Foire Extraordinaire Festival 1995
Hazzard Circus & Co. Festival .
Seen 28.10.95 Arvigna . Ariege (09). France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Hazzard's Lowlander At Foire Extraordinaire 1995
UCS644 (1963) Albion Lowlander LR1 . Alexander H40/31F . Ex-Western SMT 1780 .
Seen 1.11.95 Arvigna (09) Ariege . France . Perry Hazzard's home . Bes's gave it a day-glo paint-job during the festival . Now repainted SMT red for Perry's 'retro-camping' business . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tracy's 'Angels ' Duple Dominant Rear End 2007
HRT530N (1975) Bedford SB5 . Duple Dominant C41F . Ex-Boon Boreham .
Seen 2007 She later sold it to Al & by 2009 it was at Yoke Farm & owned by Annie & in need of a repaint . Photo = Phil Neale .

Kiki's Rear Door Artwork . La Cremerie Squat 1997
Kiki's Mercedes Van .
Seen 10.4.97 Toulouse (31) H. Garonne . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Saviem Van . La Cremerie Squat . Toulouse 1997
French Traveller's Artwork .
Seen 10.4.97 Toulouse (31) . Tarn & Garonne . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Freeno's Fanny Magnet . Eurokeennes 1996
JWW646J (1971) Bedford SB5 . Plaxton Panorama I C41F. Ex-Baddeley Bros. Holmfirth .
Seen 6.7.96 Belfort (90) T. de Belfort . France . The Girly Posse decided to let folks know what lay inside Freeno's Panorama ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Claire's Dodge At Cha Amiais , Portugal 1999
JJO620W (1980) Dodge 100 . Ex-British Telecom .
Seen 7.4.99 Cha Amiais . Portugal . Bes's paint-job . Photo = Dave Fawcett

NuNu's DJ Paintjob At Salignac 2002
Proud To Be A DJ ..
Seen 20.9.02 Salignac (04) HP. France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mercedes 0.321HL Coach At Larzac Festival 2003
7814WM26 Mercedes 0.321HL .
Seen 8.8.03 (12) Aveyron . Now resprayed & used by the Car-Baret' group . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Carapace's 508D At Clermont Herault Festival 2001
741YD34 Mercedes 508D .
Seen 23.6.01 Clermont L'Herault . Herault (34). France . Carapace was a fire show touring French festivals . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Carapace's 508D At Clermont Herault Festival 2001
741YD34 Mercedes 508D .
Seen 23.6.01 Herault (34). France . The rear doors to a living van used by a member of the Carapace Fire Show . Photo = Dave Fawcett

German's 307D At Fontaine de Vaucluse 2005
OG.CJ.788 Mercedes 307D .
Seen 4.1.05 Vaucluse (84). France . This painted camper was being used by four young Germans to tour around Europe . Photo = Dave Fawcett

German's 307D At Fontaine de Vaucluse 2005
OG.CJ.788 Mercedes 307D .
Seen 4.1.05 Vaucluse (84). France . German camper-van with all over pirate theme paint-job . Photo = Dave Fawcett

French Unic Van In Buis Les Baronnies 2006
543BHN59 Unic Iveco Daily .
Seen 8.10.06 Buis Les Baronnies . Drome (26). France . photo = Dave Fawcett

Tina's (Footsbarn) Old TK Pantechnicon . 1997
DUR656T (1978) Bedford TK . Marsden Pantechnicon . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 23.11.97 Lavescout . Le Fosset (09) Ariege . Tina's old home now serving as a hay store ! She had been a lighting engineer for this European based theatre group . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Jean & Noel's SNCF Renault At Larzac Festival 2003
7697QS40 Renault . Ex-SNCF .
Seen 9.8.03 Aveyron (12). France . With a upper floor outdoor bedroom platform for their two lads ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

DJ Artwork At The Larzac Festival 2003
7011.GC.69 Mercedes .
Seen 10.8.03 Aveyron (12). France . The actual party was after the festival is was all hair shirt types .. Photo = Dave Fawcett

Mercedes Artwork . Annonay Street Festival 2001
2634WT30 Mercedes .
Seen 30.6.01 Annonay . Ardeche (07). France . photo = Dave Fawcett

Mercedes . Annonay Street Festival , France 2001
The Stone Eater's Theatre Troupe .
Seen 1.7.01 Annonay . Ardeche (07). France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Panel On Freeno's Bus . Eurokeennes Festival 1996
JWW646J (1971) Bedford SB5 . Plaxton Panorama I C41F. Ex-Baddeley Bros. Holmfirth .
Seen 4.7.96 Belfort Festival (90) Belfort . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Corbigny Festival Toilets . France 1996
'Vodka , Tequila , Kronenberg ...!!
Seen 4.8.96 Nievre (58). France . Artistic use of the festivals toilets cladding . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tina's Artwork On Jim Lacey's Bedford . 2001
Q455VAB Bedford . Carmichael Ex-Crash Tender .
Seen 10.12.01 Arles (13) B.D.R. A Mix of styles on Jim's cab ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Tina's Artwork On Jim Lacey's Bedford . Arles 2001
Q455VAB Bedford . Carmichael . Ex-Airport Crash Tender .
Seen 10.12.01 Arles (13) B.D.R. Fading now , but still eye-catching paintwork ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Bullette Cachauette's J7 Guilherand Granges 2008
4511VB87 Peugeot J7 .
Seen 12.12.08 Guilherand Granges (07) Ardeche . France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Milk Churn Wood Burner
Adapted Milk Churn .
Seen ? Photo = Trevor .

Hood Fayre Puppet 1985
Mobile Sculpture !
Seen 1985 Hood Fayre . Photo = Trevor .

Hood Fayre Puppet 1985
Mobile Sculpture .
Seen 1985 Hood Fayre . Photo = Trevor .

Sam's 'Dragon Bus's' Nearside In London
WLD432G (1969) Bedford VAS2 . Duple Midland . Ex-GLC ILEA 432 .
Seen ? London . The bus had a green & red dragon painted on either side by artists in the Alphonse Rd. squat in Clapham , where Sam took the bus after paying £300 for it from someone living in Wandsworth Rd. Later auctioned at Pilton in 1986 & then scrapped at some stage . Photo = Graeme Gopher .

Art & Soul Traders Transit .
P420MWF (1996) Ford Transit .
Seen ? Photo = Stardust .

Ford Transit Rear End
L768JFU (1993) Ford Transit .
Seen ? Photo = Stardust .

Nick's Bedford CF Wizard Camper-van
PAK632M (1973) Bedford CF Camper-van .
Seen ? Photo = Tash .

Boot Art On John Agnew's C4Z1 Bus
UYK961 (1959) Bedford C4Z1 . Dennis B-F. EX-GLC / ILEA .
Seen ? Photo = Tash .

Mercedes 508D Rear End In Gap 2010
9955LC05 Mercedes 508D .
Seen 20.10.10 Gap (05) Hautes Alpes . France . For some reason this rig was parked without a nearside tyre in a side street ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Poney's Renault 340Ti Major's Artwork . Gap 2010
AY749DT Renault 340ti Major .
Seen 19.10.10 Gap . Hautes Alpes (05). France . French Traveller's Mechanical Pony ! Photo = Dave Fawcett

Stuart & Linda's 'Annabell' Red VAM 14
FDP163D (1966) Bedford VAM 14 . Duple Venture C45F. Ex-Smith Reading .
Seen ? Nice warning to anyone 'tail-ending' the bus , just a shame it didn't survive their coach reversing into a telegraph pole ! Photo = Zepherus .

Workshop At La Valette Squat Village . 2011
Ex-Truck , Now A Tool Shed !
Seen 5.9.11 La Valette . Gard (30). France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Croissant Neuf's Circus Trailer . Sunrise Festival
Croissant Neuf's Solar Powered Show .
Seen 2011 Sunrise Festival . Photo = Goodisplanetearth .

Claire Finishing A Bow Top
Lining Work . Client's Bow Top .
Seen ? Photo = Claire Tyson

Ink Caps On Nick's Plaxton Embassy Coach Boot
5506RK (1961) Bedford SB8 . Plaxton Embassy C41F. Ex-Bennet . Croydon 6 .
Seen ? This coach was owned by Richie , then Little Nick , followed by Pete & Maria in 1991-6 & then Steph & Gareth . These mushrooms were painted by Anne when Nick was parked at Gypsy Cross near Dunkeswell in the Blackdown Hills . Photo = Sophie .

Julian Knotworking Ian & Lucky's Vega Glastonbury
312KYC (1961) Bedford SB1 . Duple C41F. Ex-Bowerman . Taunton .
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . Netty was sunbathing whilst Julian painted . Photo = Netty .

Spanish 1117 In Sisteron Carpark . France 2012
9764BRM Mercedes 1117 .
Seen 17.10.12 Sisteron . Alpes Haute Provence (04). France . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Vern's J2 Bus Boot Artwork . 1993
PUF160F (1968) Bedford J2SZ10 . Plaxton Embassy C20F. Ex-Brine . London SE12 .
Seen 1993 . His bus was later scrapped . Photo = Vern .

Cookie's Van Plan Pantechnicon At Glastonbury
UTB774S (1977) Bedford TK. Van Plan Pantechnicon . ex-Richmond Removals Co.
Seen ? Pilton . Somerset . When owned by Neil & Claire it'd been matt black . Photo = Gary Conway .

Cookie's Van Plan Pantechnicon At Stonehenge
UTB774S (1977) Bedford TK. Van Plan Pantechnicon . Ex-Richmond Removals Co.
Seen ? Wilts. Previously owned by Neil & Claire . Photo = Gary Conway .

Harry Snot Top's Austin Hearse Boot
UYH375 Austin . Ex-Hearse .
Seen ? Used by Harry to sell fruit & veg at festivals . Photo = Tash

Bamboo's Work On Paul's VAM14 Panorama Rear
JAA347E (1967) Bedford VAM14 . Plaxton Panorama C45F. Ex-Holman N7 .
Seen ? Photo = Tash .

Waggy Poo Dave & Carol's TK Rear End
NJR45R (1976) Bedford TK . Ex-British Telecom .
Seen ? Photo = Tash .

Julian Painting Sarah's Venture Coach Boot
FNT900D (1966) Bedford VAM5 . Duple Northern Venture C45F. Ex-Corvedale . Ludlow .
Seen ? She later sold her home to Pogle in 1992 , he swapped it for Nicky's rig & she later scrapped it on a Leamington Spa site . photo = Tash .

Rear End Artwork On Josh's Commer Walk-Thru
GFB619N (1974) Commer Walk-Thru.
Seen ? All the available exterior space had been painted on his home ! Photo = Tash .

Don's 'Circus Lejit' FG
reg? Leyland FG .
Seen ? Photo = Rippa John

Ribbs & Lins's Rigs In The Sun
479CFJ (1961) Leyland Titan . PD2A/30 . Massey H31/26R. Ex-Exeter 79 .
Seen ? Bamboo's paintwork looking good in the UK sun . Now painted marine blue . Photo = Greg .

Rear End Of Dave & Carol's FG
NJR47R (1976) Leyland FG .
Seen ? Photo = Tash .

Simon's Lambourne Horse Box Artwork
HBL210L (1972) Commer VC . Lambourne . Ex-Horse Box .
Seen 2012 Photo = Simon .

Rear Of Michael's CF
A969KRT (1983) Bedford CF .
Seen ? Photo = Michael .

Clive's YRQ With Nature Paint-job . 2013
URD890N (1974) Bedford YRQ . Willowbrook B45F. Ex-AERE . Harwell 132 .
Seen 2013 . Clive bought his bus from Mel & Lee & now looks to have been painted to blend into its static spot ! Photo = Clive .

Ferocious Mercedes Paint-job !
reg ? Mercedes .
Seen ? Photo = Samsimelia

French Van In Spain
Anarchist Animal !
Seen ? Spain . Photo = Sam

Iveco With Decorated Rear Doors . Spain
reg? Iveco .
Seen ? Spain . Photo = Sam .

Iveco 49-10 Van . 2014
J736MVV (1991) Iveco Daily 49-10 .
Seen 2104 . Photo = David .

Tagged Up Van At Avebury 2014
Owner's Style Or Street Yobs ?
Seen 2014 Avebury . Photo = Sam

Captain Bob's Q4 . 2015
GHU208B (1964)reg. Commer Q4 . Ex-AFS .
Seen 2015 Sat unused in a garden for some years , hence the green ..

Floating T Pot Sherpa
reg ? Sherpa .
Seen ? photo = Tash

Artwork On A Mercedes ? ADM Squat . Amsterdam
Mercedes ?
Seen 2015 Holland . Photo = Thekla

Woody's Pink Drongo Coach Boot . Wales 1983
TJR995 (1961) Ford 570E . Duple Yeoman C41F. Ex-Service Coaches . Bebside
Seen 1983 Rhyader . Wales . Seen just before going to Morocco . Photo = Paul

Adam's Boot Artwork At Green Gathering 2015
MUR204H (1970) Bedford J2SZ10 . Plaxton Embassy C15F. Ex-Rickards . Brentford .
Seen 2015 Chepstow . Photo = ?

Bill's Viceroy At Stonehenge 1984
reg? Bedford . Duple Viceroy C45F.
Seen 1984 Wilts. He was part of the TUMT group . Photo = Bill

Tagged Up Ex-BR Box In Spain
Ex-British Rail Rig .
Seen ? Spain . photo = Tim

Inflatable Planet At Barsham Green Desert 1986
Inflatable Planet Suspended From A Crane .
Seen 1986 Suffolk . One of many props at this non-festival , which included camel racing & Radio 4 Woman's Hour . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Sand Piano At Barsham Green Desert's Festival 1986
Part Of The Festival Desert Theme !
Seen 1986 Suffolk . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Eygyptian Statue . Barsham Green Desert Fayre 1986
Spectator Seating For The Camel Racing ..
Seen 1986 Suffolk . Bizarre event where Traveller's were not very welcome , & few punters bothered to visit . Photo = Dave Fawcett

Wango Riley's Volvo FL6 . 2017
reg.. Volvo FL6 .
Seen 2017 Photo = Joe

'Fools On Tour' Banner 1979
Road , Rail , Ship & Balloon Convoy !
Seen 1979 Photo = Graeme Gopher

'Dolphin' Entrance At A Glastonbury Festival
Entrance To An Entertainment Field .
Seen .. Pilton . Somerset . photo = Graeme Gopher