Doris Call The Cops Its A Scuzzy Hippy Website ...
Welcome to my website showing the imaginative way folks from the 1970's - have adapted various sorts of transportation to serve as living accommodation . Often regarded as a social problem rather than a solution by those lacking the courage to live outside societies ridiculous 'norms'..

Bender Scum ? Never , Home Sweet Home !
My home during 1989-90 in Leicestershire .Thanks to a milk-churn burner it was cosy and thanks to the mice I had company ...
Benders in one form or another have been serving semi-nomadic populations for 1000's of years .. In the uk the gypsies often made them from a dozen or so hazel branches and a canvas sheet . In more recent times their adoption as semi-permanent dwellings by other folks has seen them evolve with palletised & carpeted flooring , house windows and doors and even foundation walling ..

Nomads & Fairground Folks Not Welcome Here !!
Souvenir of Brioude , but seen all over France in one form or another ! Basically telling folks to F***K Off Elsewhere !
No European country tolerates having a semi-nomadic population that it can't 'fix' in one place and each does its best to make life as difficult as possible for families to continue living as they choose ! But France is the only place whose racism is overt enough to see these signs posted at the entry to most towns and many smaller villages .. Not here .. but where ?? ... NIMBY as its worst !!

Posing With My Home in French Alpine Snow 2006
HNR307D (1966) Albion Chieftain . CH3a . LAD . Ex-Clemerson's Furniture Co . Loughborough .
Seen 21.12.06 . Salignac . France . Its a struggle to keep an obsolete piece of Scottish engineering in working order in a country where it was never exported to !